Chapter Five: Archangels

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Lucifer stood staring calmly at the blood soaked grass in front of him. Many demons had died, but he had replaced them, with Knights. They were stronger, much like the Oni, but with an extra bit of hell mixed in with it.

Though he had lost Sarah, she was a minor loss. As the ultimate goal was to rid the earth of the final enemy's in his way. Then he could take over heaven, and have complete control.

"You haven't changed a bit."

Lucifer was startled at the sudden interruption of his thoughts, but didn't let it show. He glanced over to the voice of his enemy. His brother Michael.

"Well, well, well. I'm surprised that Winchester meat suit has held up. Considering it's only half Winchester."

Michael sighed at his brothers remark chose to try and persuade his brother. He had helped rid the earth from Darkness. But it seemed with Chuck AFK again He chose to cause chaos.

"Saten," Michael spoke softly using his brothers true name, " Stop this. You don't have to kill those wolves, or those hunters to get what you want. You can come home, get a restart. Just stop this madness and seal off the doors of hell!"

"Man, do you ever get bored of playing the good guy Michael? Remember it was me, not you that helped Dad with Auntie Amara! While you rotted in the cage for plotting the apocalypse."

Michael sighed frustrated with his brother, " Brother, you don't need to kill them! They're heroes. They've saved so many, they don't deserve the pain you've put them through. Especially Stiles."

Lucifer laughed and walked up to his brother, standing across from him about five yards away. Pointing a finger accusingly at Michael he growled, "Then why are you here? Trying to make me feel guilty? Instead of using the remainder of your recovering power to save them!?"

"Well because Dad thought we should all make up," a second voice called out. Lucifers head snapped to the left to see Gabriel standing there. Only to have the brother he thought he killed punch him in the face. Sending him to the ground hard, blood trickling from his noise.

"Surprise Bitch," Gabriel growled.

"Gabriel," Lucifer snarled

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"Gabriel," Lucifer snarled.
"You killed me! You dick! Now I'm going to have serious fun bonding with my older brother here. Kicking your power crazed lunatic ass."

"Oh is that what you thinks going to happen? Lucifer snarled rising to his feet. His eyes flowing white, and his long wings appearing behind him in a heavenly glow.

"Oh that's what's going to happen," Gabriel assured Lucifer also powering up, his eyes blue.

Mustering his energy Michaels eyes shined white and his angle blade was in his hand.

"Well, shall we began?" Lucifer asked before flying forward tackling Michael to the ground. Gabriel quickly rushed Lucifer sending a powerful kick to his gut, sending him flying across the field. Gabriel didn't miss a beat his hand outstretched he sent a blast of energy towards the devil.

Lucifer quickly countered with his own energetic surge of power. The two forces hit, and a ripple of energy repelled off each other, sending ripples throughout the world. Trees collapsed around the two angels, and even they couldn't stay on there feet as the energy carried them away, throwing them backwards a few yards.

Once again the devil flew through the air, this time met by Michael. Lucifer tried to send a blow to Michael. But the archangel blocked his blow and sent a knee into the Devils gut. As Lucifer fell slightly Michael send a punch to the devils mouth causing him to fall fully to the ground.

Lucifer, quickly swept his feet around causing Michael to fall onto the ground. Before the devil could strike, he pulled out his angel blade and barely deflected Gabriel's oncoming thrown blade.

Trying to throw a blade back at Gabriel, the blade harmlessly flew through an image of the trickster, and the next moment Gabriel was kicking the blade out of the devils hand. Lucifer snarled, and dove out of a kick, before rolling out of the way.

Lucifers palms began to glow, and he suddenly shot or a blast of unknown power towards Gabriel. Michael shoved his brother out of the way catching the energy on his angel blade and deflecting it away, to an unknown area of the world.

Michael shook his head, he was glad they were in Alaska, as the damage wouldn't be as terrible if it was located in a large city. But the effects of this battle would be felt all around. It was time for the assault. Standing up he whistled loud, and suddenly all the angels of heaven stood behind Michael and Gabriel.

"Time to destroy hell?" Gabriel asked smirking. Lucifer stood snarling, and demons of mass amounts stood around the devil. Including a handful of knights that he had kept for himself.

"Oh this is going to be fun," Lucifer said grinning. Then the two sides charged towards each other, and the holy battle between heaven and hell had begun.

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