Chapter Eleven: The Archangel

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Stiles stared at the dead body's covering the bunkers garage, he felt his knees become week and he felt tears falling from his eyes. He was to late, they were all dead. Stepping away from Scott he noticed the Knights of Hell all looking at him before all of them charging at him.

Stiles didn't care anymore, his emotions flooding his mind he fell to his knees weakly and let out a distraught cry that echoed loudly. He slammed his fist into the ground and suddenly a white burst of energy spread throughout the bunker disintegrating all the knights of hell.

Stiles numbly rose to the ground looking around for his father before walking up the garage door stairs, Scott close behind. He entered the hallway to see Theo breathing heavily slumped against the wall. He seemed alive but battle worn. But down the hall he saw Sam kneeling down next to Dean. Stiles shot down the hall at a dead sprint before sliding to a stop infront of Sam.

He fell to his knees next to Dean, his mouth shaking as he couldn't find the courage to speak.
Dean was laying against the wall a sword in his chest and it was evident he was dying.

"D-dad?" Stiles finally managed causing Dean to look up at his son.
"He's back Dean," Sam said crying patting his brother shoulder, " It's him."

Dean let out a bloodied smile before coughing painfully.
"Take it easy," Stiles said quietly fear pulsing through his veins. Scott kneeled down next to the dying hunter and placed his hand down on Deans thigh. Soon enough Scott's veins turned black as he took the mans pain till he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm so sorry," Stiles cried but Dean shushed him.
"Don't be sorry son," Dean said with a smile.
"But you're dying," Stiles exclaimed horrified the truth of both of his fathers dying overwhelming him.

"If I have to die to help save my son it was worth it. You helped regain purpose in my life Stiles, you are the strongest person I know. Now go kick Lucifer's ass," Dean said his strength fading fast.

"Dean!" Sam cried shaking him trying to keep him awake.
"You take care of him Sammy," Dean whispered out, " I love you brother."
And with that Dean let out a breath before his head slumped down and he went completely still.

"No!"Stiles exclaimed starting to shake Dean, " NOO!"

Scott grabbed his friend and pulled him away, " Stiles he's gone! He's gone!"

Stiles let out a roar of anger before white wings erupted from his back throwing Scott away from him. Then in an instant stiles shot out of the bunker and into the night sky.


Chaos was erupted over the field as angels and demons killed each other. Michael and Gabriel stood back to back, easily destroying the knights of hell along with any demon that came their way.

Cutting a path towards the devil, they knew that everything counted on them killing him. Lucifer may be there brother but they were done with it. Father wanted him dead, tired of him destroying everything created. Now it was time for a new coming, a new world without Lucifer roaming it.

Finally they found him, waiting for them a small smirk on his face.
"You think you'll be able to kill me?" Lucifer asked.
"That's the idea duh," Gabriel responded angrily, " Now accept your death with dignity or im just going to rip your feathers off by one."

"We'll see about that," Lucifer snarled a blade falling into each his hands.
"Oh how cute," Gabriel said before about eight of him appeared around Lucifer all with a smirk.

"Are we going to stand around here all day or what Mikey? I have some ass whopping to do," All the Gabriel's asked at once.
"Let's kill the bastard," Michael snarled his eyes glowing before flying forwards.

Lucifer moved with alarming speed knocking Michael out of the air and onto the ground. He shot a blast of energy out knocking the false Gabriel's away and charged at the one stumbling backwards. There angel blades crashed together sparks flying out as they fought at spectacular speed.

Quickly Gabriel sent a kick into Lucifer's gut before quickly flashing besides him and grabbed one of his arms. He jumped upwards about two hundred feet before crashing back down into the ground. An explosion erupted in the battle field as Lucifer laid in a crater weakly, as Gabriel stood over him.

"Goodbye snake!" Gabriel snarled going for a killing blow.
Lucifer let out a growl and was able to grab Gabriels arm the blade inches from Lucifer's eye. Yelling in effort Lucifer overcame Gabriel, moving the blade away and quickly head butting him. Gabriel stumbled backwards only to have his arm grabbed by Lucifer and have his own angel blade smashed into his chest.

Gabriel let out a gasp as his eyes flashed white, and he fell to the ground a white blast erupting to the ground as his wings laid burnt to the ground.

Dragging Gabriel's body from the crater he  threw the dead archangel at Michaels feet.
"You're to weak to defeat me brother, don't make me kill you," Lucifer snarled.

Michael stood shakily from the ground before shooting a blast electric blue energy towards the devil, only for Lucifer to respond with a red one himself. The two arch angels stood there giving everything they had to overcome one another.

Slowly the Electric blue  light started to loose its power as Michael's power started to fade. Lucifer put another push of power into the blast before it engulfed Michael and sent him to the ground writhing in pain.

Lucifer fell to his knees infront of his brother and sighed dramatically, " All this destruction, all of heaven on your side and you still can't kill me brother."

"You're no brother of mine," Michael spat, "'You're a fallen angel Lucifer! You don't deserve the power you have."

"That's to bad," Lucifer said sadly before striking an angel blade down on Michaels heart killing him. Breathing heavily Lucifer stood up and turned to walk away from his brother when he saw a figure was ten feet away from him.

His eyes narrowed in anger and he exclaimed, "YOU!"
"Hey assbutt, miss me?" Castiel asked smirking before a scepter fell into his hands.
"That's new," Lucifer pointed out.

"Oh yeah a lot is new about me," Cas said his eyes shining bright white his angel wings showing behind him. Except this time they were larger, and radiated power.

"He didn't," Lucifer cried out

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"He didn't," Lucifer cried out.
"He did," Castiel confirmed, " I'm the new arch angel, and there isn't room for two of us."


Rip- Dean Winchester 
But welcome back Cas

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