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"Dad," the 6-year old called as he was about to turn the light off. "Can you come here once?"

 He walked slowly to the bed. The boy waved his hand and gestured him to sit down.

"What happened Kevin?" he asked.

"Dad," the boy spoke in a whispering tone, "Do you know any Abhir?"

Abhir.... the name he did not want to listen. The name he chose to forget. He was unnerved on listening to the name from his son. But he did not let it show on his face.

"No," he lied.

How could he let out the truth.... the horrific incident that happened in his childhood... to his son? How could he let his son know that he killed his childhood best friend by accident? 

'Killing by accident is also murdering. I'll not let anyone know my secret,' he thought. 'But how does Kevin know?'

"Why do you ask Kevin?" he asked.

"I'll tell you a secret," Kevin said pulling him closer. "It's the name of the boy hiding under my bed." 

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