Legend of the wolf girl

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Hey guys welcome to the new book, I hope you guys like the first chapter.
Shoutout to fanfic_girl1613 for this great plot idea, I hope it lived up to your expectations and sorry this took so long 😜😅

"Nightmare night, such a fright, give us something sweet to bite"

Those were the words that rainbow dash and her friends kept hearing all night as they went down the streets of canterlot looking at Nightmare night decorations for the spooky holiday.

"Oh look at that one" Fluttershy said pointing to a decoration with a big werewolf human on it.
Rainbow started to giggle.

"Y'know this reminds me of a tale I was told about last year about a werewolf in the everfree forest"
She began to  explain as she got people's attention.

"A hundred years ago a farm girl played tricks every nightmare night, but when she was fifteen years old she played a nasty trick on a certain nightmare moon. She didn't like that not only was someone else pranking the folks of canterlot but she was getting pranked as well, but nightmare moon put an end to the child's acts and cursed her.
She was turned into a werewolf only to prowl the streets of canterlot, forever haunting the city until she is free when the curse is broken"

"But how does the curse get broken?"
Twilight asked quite skeptically.

Rainbow responded with a shrug.

There was a looming silence before rainbow broke it.

"So you guys wanna check it out?"
Rainbow said suddenly.

"Are you crazy? I don't believe in the story but I'm worried about the wolves and bears in the forest"
Twilight refused.

"Well it IS nightmare night and it's not like this would be the weirdest thing we have seen considering the past year"
Sunset shimmer pointed out.

Everyone else seemed to agree for some stupid reason.

Twilight sighed and decided they do this as a team.

"It's not like we are going to the dangerous parts of the woods, just to zecora's hut and back, plus with our luck  we won't even find so much as a frog in the streams"

Twilight once again contradicted the idea and said "this is the kind of crap that happens in a horror movie y'know"

Sunset sensed how this was bothering twilight so she just held her hand and promised everything would be alright, which seemed to work.

They all had flashlights since it was dark and from then on they went into the everfree forest.

"It's really creepy in here" Fluttershy mentioned with her hands on her arms due to the draft of the semi chilly night.

"Cmon, we are almost at zacora's hut, maybe she can tell us something"
Rainbow mentioned

The group of teenagers headed to the building in the middle of the woods and knocked on the door.

"This is a night and place of fear, you should not be wandering around here"
Was the response they got from the woman inside.

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