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"Wes, you search the cupboards, Rose head for the Windows and carpets, I'll see the drawers." I said and we moved on for our respective places to search.

I was looking through the drawers, bundle of papers, stapler, paper balls, pencils, pens but one paper was crumbled pretty bad. I took it and opened it. It was a page of a diary, I knew it pretty well. All of us took the diary together on a friendship day.

It was torn and crumbled, means he wanted to hide the contents.
"Guys? I found something. Have a look at this." I showed them the paper.
"Wait, isn't this that page from the diary we all took together?" Rose asked.

"Yes" I replied.
"Can this be counted in the clue list?" Wes asked, as he held a cloth with something red liquid on it.
"Its ketchup I guess." Rose said.
"Oh, let me see." Wes said as he dipped his finger in that gross liquid and put that finger smeared in the liquid right into his mouth.

How can someone be so confident and disgusting?

"Wes! Are you dumb?" Rose exclaimed. After a few seconds, Darren's mom came in and said, "Is there any problem, I heard you scream." She asked Rosa.

"No, no. I'm sorry. Actually, Wesker was about to break the...the..." she said searching for a valuable thing.
"...lamp. So I was stopping him from doing so. Nothing else." Rose said with a innocent smile.

"Oh! Okay. No issue. If you have any problem I'm just a shout away. Okay?" She asked.
"Yes, yeah sure." I said with a pleasant smile. She closed the door behind her and we were alone. Again.

"Yes you're right. Its ketchup." Wes said with a cheeky grin. Rose did a face palm and got back to investigation. After, say, ten minutes, we were done and we were off from Darren's place.

"Only one clue!" I said.
"One clue may lead to big treasures!" Rose said to cheer me up.
"I know." I said and gave her a smile which she accepted.

"Wes?" Rose asked.
"Yeah?" He said.
"Can you drop me home?" She asked.
"Sure." He replied and smiled.

Heaven knows why?

"See you tomorrow?" I asked them.
"Okay. See ya!" Wes said and rose agreed too.

Then they headed to their homes. I was left alone, I mean not practically, but I was with my parents. I decided to snack on something, as in this chaotic mess I was hungry, okay to be honest, pretty hungry.
"Ma?" I called her.
"Yes dear?" She replied.
"Can you make a sandwich or something for me? I am very hungry." I said making puppy eyes, because this would convince her to give me my sandwich. Or else, I have to listen to her standard speech...
Abby! You know right? It increases your fats, it has oils, bad for health and this is the important year of your life, and you need to be healthy and blah blah, blah, blah!

"Buy darling its not--" she was gonna say when I interrupted, "I know, but please?" I said making puppy eyes, looking at which she has to say yes. Power of being cute.

"Okay okay! I'll make you one!" She said and headed to the kitchen grabbing the bread.
I smiled to.myself and grabbed my phone. 92 messages and 56 messages. Uh, I guess it was pretty late!

I checked them all one by one. All about, how was I, or where was I all these days, and if I was healthy.

As if they care.

I replied them, all fake.
I'm okay
I'm fine
I am healthy
I am good thanks
And all. I have to be polite, you know I do own a thing called Manners.
I saw mom talking. Not to me, someone else whom I wasn't able to see! Like what!? Not again!

"Um mom?" I asked.
I received no reply.
"Mom!" I asked again.
No reply again.
"MOM CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

She shrugged her shoulders, and looked at me as if, she was in some kind of trance till now.

"Huh? What? Were you saying something?" She asked me as if I was speaking in Latin till now.

"Is my sandwich ready Ma?" I said as I decided to keep the matter low.

"Yes. Yes. Here." She said as she handed me the plate with tomato
Sauce and the sandwich.
I was pretty confused about all the thing which happened right now and also, I was wondering how mom could act so normal after this.


As I was reading some Biology, my phone strayed to buzz. Called id read, Rosa.

"Hello? Rose?" I picked up the call.
"Abby!?" Rosa yelled and my ear was nearly to Come out.

"What happened, why are you yelling?" I asked.

"I need your help right now!" She replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"I saw Darren with that killer!" She said leaving me in pure shock.

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