chapter 2

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I look up as the sun hits me, sweat pools down my body but I  don't  stop. "Control your fist Amira, don't  crouch to much", as I  listen to Carlos repeating those words I  mentally scoff. "He's  just a year older than me but he acts like my dad". I stop punching the dummy and move backwards  almost tripping on a stone. "I'm  beat" I  mutter loud enough for him to hear.

"Come on Amira don't  be a killjoy, how are you going to defend yourself when I'm  not around?"  He said . "Carlos, I'm  twenty not ten I'm  pretty sure I can handle myself" . Moving away from him I go to my room and lie down flat on my bed. I'm  just about to doze off  when I  hear someone knocking on my door. "Come in", I  look up to see my aunt  looking down at me. "Yes aunt Katherine?" , "Amira, I'm  worried I  just went to the oracle and she just shared some bad news" . At that I  sit up  "What did she say?", my aunt  looked at  everywhere but me. "Aunt?", taking a breath she said "Shesaidwolvesaregoingtocomeandwecan'tkeepwhattheywantforever" . "Aunt calm down tell me what she said".

"She said wolves are going to come and we can't  keep what they want forever". "What do you mean, what they want?", "I  don't  know Amira but everyone's  training harder now , you should too considering we don't  know when they'll  come". I stand up and start pacing around, "Aunt, double the patrols the women and children keep them safe. There's no way in hell I'm  going to let them touch my family again".  I make my way out of the room not before my aunt looks at me. "Where are you going Amira?", "To go see the oracle".

I enter into the  little hut  Daisy keeps for herself, the smell of herbs hitting me instantly. "Ah Amira, what a pleasant surprise,  I suppose you're  here about the message I  gave to your aunt". Nodding, I  sit down on the floor looking around the hut. "Well, I've  always known Katherine to blab. But, my vision is nothing to worry about, it's  just I  don't  know what they are taking but, it's  something ." I just look at her at the point of blowing up. "It's  your vision right? Surely, you know what's  inside". "Amira ,you need to know it's  not everything the moon shows me,all I  know is that wolves are coming here".

I stand up from the  floor, shaking off the dirt."Well Daisy, just know if anything happens to this coven,just know it's  you". I'm  about to go out but  she stops me, "Amira my child don't  be angry,the moon knows she always knows". I look at her one more time before going out of the hut. I repeat her words again  in my mind, " The moon knows, she always knows".


Second chapter is done, what do you think the wolves are coming for? Don't  forget to comment and vote.

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