Weasley Is Our King

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A/n First fic, so please don't judge me too harshly lmao. Please leave constructive criticism, it would really help make my 'work' better. This is during The Order O The Pheonix,Rons first Quidditch match!


"Weasley cannot save a thing,

He can't block a single ring.

That's why Slytherins all sing,

Weasley is our king!..."

The words rang though your ears as Lee Jordan paused his comentary momentarly.You hoped Ron had'nd heard , but knew it was highly unlikley. Rage boiled up inside you, the slytherins all knew Ron was a nervous wreck about his first game,and they knew all the teasing would push him over the edge.This is why Malfoy had been so smug earlier..

NO! you thought, you were'nt going to let them distract you also,you could still bring the game back around.You looked around, seeing if any of your team had heard.You look over to Harry, a jolt of hopefullness in your stomche, if he caught the snitch early we could get it over and done with.

But Harry was'nt paying attention...he was stareing into space,doing nothing except trying to kill the slytherins with his eyes.


You shout, as loud as ou can, trying to get your voice to harry, which was very hard considering the Slytherins had started singing louder, trying to stamp out Lees voice.He had'nd heard you.You look up to see if Malfoy had seen anything, but he stayed hovering around the pitch.His sharp eyes were whipping around the pitch fast, and you knew he would be on the snitch as soon as he saw it.

'Wesley was born in a bin

He always lets the Quaffle in

Weasley will make sure we win

Weasley is our king'

' Y/N! QUICK' You quickly snapped out of your daze of anger , Angelinas voice bringing you out of thought as she threw you the Quaffle.You quickly caught it and zoomed off in the direction of the slytherins goal posts, thanking your quick reflexes.

The wind blew through your tied hair, as you dived passed harry hoping he might come to his senses.He didn't. You quickly dived to avoid a bludger, not blaming Fred or George for not being there , they were probably as livid as you, and by the look on Harrys face, him. As you came back up from your dive, you noticed Slytherins new Beaters, Crabbe and Goyle, both basiclly double you size, but quater of your brains maybe less .They were right in front of you blocking your path. They were both staring you down with there piggy eyes, shouting the chant the Slytherins were all singing.You whip your head to your side to see Katie Bell on your tail.

'KATIE!' You shout, as you throw her the ball,which she caught and flew out of your sight.Crabbe and Goyle were both too stupid to notice you pass the ball the Katie, as you were so fast.You try to swerve them, but the brooms they had (Thanks to Lucius Malfoy you thought) were fsater then yours, and they caught up, they flew either side of you, slowly closing in at either side, nearly knocking you of your broom.


Fred had hid a bludger right into the side of Goyle making him drop a few feet on his broom, giving you the chance to escape the 'trap' him and Crabbe had you in. You looked over at Fred, throwing him a nod of thanks, he nodded back and he was off. You looked around ,and saw Katie throw Angelina the Quaffle near the Slytherin goal posts.Angelina caught it , which gave Katie a chance to dive out of the way of an oncoming Bludger.

'Come on now, Angelina -- looks like she's got just the keeper to beat! 'Lee bellows, obviously trying to drown out he Slytherins cruel chant.

You quickly fly across the pitch , and in a few seconds you were close enough to catch the Quaffle if Angelina was in need to throw in back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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