Friday, 11th of May, 2012.

46 3 3

1:20PM - My Bedroom

Hey guys, sorry for not uploading yesterday. But my day was so crappy and boring I didn’t feel that it was worth writing about.

So, basically, my health has dramatically declined in the last 48 hours. Yesterday in P.E, I twisted my ankle while doing the stupid-ass beep test. Then I had to go home. And I woke up today with the sorest throat in the world, so I stayed home from school today.

And now I can barely talk.


So, right now I am sitting in my bed, in the dark. I just finished watching a movie, and it has what could possibly be the best few lines ever.

Lou: God dammit! Who the f*** are you texting with?

Jacob: Just a friend of mine.

Lou: Male or f***ing female?

Jacob: For your information, I’ve had a lot of girlfriends. Hot ones.

Lou: You have had lot’s of boyfriends. Gay ones.


Awesome movie! Anyway, I am now beginning a Glee Marathon. Who saw the episode last night? IT WAS AMAZING! Rachel so deserved to be Prom Queen!

Wow… So other than that, nothing has really happened…

Instead of just uploading a really short chapter, I’m just gonna wait until later in case something epic happens later today.

(It probably won’t!)




3:17PM - My Bedroom

So my Nan, aunt and cousin just got here cause they’re staying for the weekend. And none of them want to come near me cause I’m sick and they don’t wanna get sick.

It’s really depressing…




3:33PM - My Bedroom


Wait, I haven’t told you all this story yet.

Well, here goes. A few months ago I started looking for a job so I can start saving money. I first got accepted for an interview from McDonalds, but weeks passed and they never told me when my interview was, so I withdrew my application. Then I applied to a different restaurant, got an interview and went to it. It was so shitty, because I had to sit at a table for 40 minutes before the manager was ready to see me.

After the interview, he said that I got the job and that he would contact me later about my training.

Two months later, they finally told me that I had training. And it’s tomorrow!

And I’m kind of nervous! I hope my throat’s better tomorrow so I will be able to talk!




5:31PM - My Bedroom

Dear news stations,

Please stop showing the picture of the mum breastfeeding her 4 year old kid!

I don’t wanna see that shit!



Dedication to the first person who can tell me which movie I quoted!

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