Chapter 1

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(3rd person) 

It was another normal day for Sherwin. He was sitting in his homeroom, reading his book. He didn't really have friends because he always kept to himself. His teacher was sitting in the front of the class, quietly grading papers. No one was in the room besides him and Sherwin. 

(Comment below what you think the teachers name should be, for now It'll be Mr.Green)

Mr.Green set aside the papers and looked up at his prized student. "Good morning, Sherwin." He smiled at the red head.

"God morning, Mr.Green." The student replied, without lifting his head from his book. The room went back into an awkward silence that Sherwin fails to notice before the bell rings. The students start piling in, talking amongst one another and laughing with their friends. Sherwin sat in his normal seat, still reading, with the empty chair beside him. No one bothered to talk to him because he was shy and didn't talk to others. His only friend being that of which he had met online. A few seconds after announcements started, Sherwin got a text. 

First day at my new school! Wish me luck!! -John

Good Luck! :) What school? -Sher

Newgate high. -John

... -Sher

What is it? Did I say something? -John

I go to newgate high... -Sher

No way!! Maybe we can finally meet? -John

I'd love to meet you! -Sher

Sherwin smiled down at his screen. He's finally going to meet his best friend! They've had skype calls and exchanged phone numbers but they've never actually met. Withering doubt started to float through his head. 'What if we finally meet and he doesn't like me' or 'maybe it's not this Newgate school'. However he couldn't think of anymore as the teacher broke his train of doubt. 

"Ah. You must be the new student. Please, come in." Mr.Green smiled. A boy with smooth black hair and lake-blue eyes walked into the classroom. "Tell us about yourself." The teacher smiled and went back to writing. The boy took a stand at the front of the class and cleared his throat. 

"Hello... my name is Johnathan. I had recently moved here from my old home and now I go to this school." He looks around the room until his eyes land on Sherwin. They smile at eachother for a few moments before the boy, Johnathan, cleared his throat again. "Mr.Green. Would you mind if i sit next to Sherwin?" He points to the seat beside the redhead. The students then turn to Sherwin, some whispering amongst others, quickly making Sherwin embarrassed. The teacher raised an eyebrow at John and glanced at Sherwin. 

"Do you two know each other?" Mr.Green asked curiously. Johnathan walked towards the flustered red head and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, smiling brightly.

"He's been my best friend for three years now." John said proudly, getting shocked looks and gasps from the other students. Sherwin smiled sheepishly but nodded. The teacher smiled and nodded. the boys talked for a bit, Johnathan's arm never leaving Sherwins shoulders. 

"It's good to see you Sher." John beamed. Sherwin looked at his friend and smiled a genuine smile.

"It's good to see you, too, Johnathan." He laughed a bit. 

"I thought I told you, you can just call me John." The black haired boy poked at his friends cheek. Sherwin laughed again and nodded in agreement.

"Alright John, I get it." A barely visible blush spread across Sherwin's face as they continued to talk.

"It's really great i get to go to the same school as you! Now we can hang out all the time. Well... if you want to, that is." Johnathan rubbed the back of his neck as he sheepishly chuckled, but smiled as Sherwin nodded. 

"I'd love to hang out." The red head smiled. 

"Okay class! Settle down!" Mr.Green called out and class began.

Thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions or random stuff comment down below or message me! Buh-baii!!!

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