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Toms POV

have you wandered why me and tord hated one another and why i mainly drink???? well i will say one thing, tord does not wont or need love.

i was in school with edd and them i had a strong crush on tord, im guessing he seen.

today was the day i will tell tord how i thought of him, im just praying he will feel the same way, as i walked around to find him

there he was with the smile i love. "ah! hello tom!" tord said in a cheery voice

"hello tord! i need to say something.." i said softly

"what is it?" he asks his smile fading

"i l-love you tord... ever since i saw you! i loved you! your smile! your laugh!" i said

i seen him him again "oh god! i thought i was the only one!" he pulled me into a hug

i smiled as well he loved me.

two weeks later we where now dating we where so close but i see something has changed about tord, he been grinning to himself, its kinda

concerning to me.

i passed by him in the halls and he pulled me into the gander closet

"tord!!! i need to get to class" i said

"mmm yes i know~" he said smirking

"i n-need to go.. please.."

"and miss your time with me? come on tommy~" tord pouted

i said and smiled some "ok i will stay for you~" i put my hand on the side of his face and he purred like a can this made me giggle

"love you tord" i said

"love you to tommy~" he said and started to kiss my neck i tried to stop him at first but then i stopped and let him i moaned some. he was about

to take off my shirt when the cleaning lady came in

"get out! go to class now!" she yelled

tord grumbled under his breath and left dragging me with. i looked up att him, he wasn't happy? no he had no emotion in his eyes

he looked so plain, weird "tord you ok?" i asked and i saw him smirk again

"ah yes i am tommy~" he pinned me on the locker we were near "meet me at the old abandoned house near the park at 5 if you're not there

then you know" tord wwalked away

i know what happens when he gets upset at me he hits me, edd and matt doesnt know that he does this, he tells me not to tell anyone or he will kill me

i love tord, i dont want to leave him, i know he loves me to because why else would he kiss me? right?...

i walked to the house i was 5 minutes late, tord normally doesn't care but this time...

i was grabbed and forced to the wall out the old house, i yelled in pain as i saw the taller man there with anger all over his face


"why where you late?! i dont have time to wait for you know more! when i tell you to be here at a time then you come!" he yelled at me in anger

"sorry tord.. i promise i-"

"NO! you promise so much but you lie!" he punched my face "lie! you will lie again!" he hit me in the chest and he let go "next time come when i tell you to"

he growled and walked off "im leaving you tell anyone!" he used his finger and rubbed it on his neck and slid it across and walled off

i sat there with tears running down my eyes or 'eyes' one of them hurt and i got up and took out my phone and looked though its

reflection. i had a black eye there.. i know edd will be asking why i have it... i got up and put my phone away and walked home.

i know tord loves me.. he just has a bad life... so i help him and let him do this to me...

the next day i came to school and just as i expected edd ran up to me with worry all over his face "tom! what happened to you?!"

i thought quikly then spoke "i fell out of a tree" i lied

"tom stop lying! i know you didnt it looks more like a hit!" edd looked as if he was crying. which he was

"im not lying edd..." i said

"tom i know you are you been having cuts and burses ever since you started dating t- HES DOING THIS TO YOU! ISNT HE?!"

"edd no! look! its my.. uncle! he doesnt like how im gay.. and stuff..." i lied again

edd just glared at me "stop lying!"

i just ran off and ran away into the bathroom. i sat in the stall and cried silently as i heard someone come in. it walked up to my

stall and opened it with one kick, he was there with a grin, that stupid grin... hes tearing me apart... ever since i been dating him

i been drinking... i am a lier i been lying to myself! i dont love him! hes a f***ing commie!

"GET AWAY COMMIE!" i yelled and stood up

this made tord laugh "ah finally tom stops being stupid, but its a shame.." he shook his head still having that grin

"what" i growled

"i can play with you no more, but oh well at lest i will always see you" he laughed

from that moment we were not friends, and from that moment i drank my smirnoff bottle after bottle, because of that da** commie

i hate him so much..

thats my story why i drink and hate tord, im hoping you fan girls are plaesed that i was ones gay for him but that was only a lie

i told my self that... is it true...

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