chp 14: A Surprise

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A/N: hey guys, so new chp here at last, I am so happy that you all like my book so much :) k anyways keep readin and spreadin.


I was roaming about the whole city with piper, waiting for the sunset as I was damn bored. In these few weeks, we had learned practically everything about Alagaesia, except a few secrets that Eragon had kept from us. We knew he had secrets as he himself told us that some things only riders could know.

Anyways, I understand, you must be thinking why I wasn't with Percy, because there was no way I could be bored in his presence. Well, he was off on a boys night out, the two young riders, their dragons, Bob, Thorn and the male demigods were all chilling while we both were bored to hades. Hazel was with Eragon, learning magic as she seemed to be the only one who had the powers. Eragon had said that he was surprised that hazel was so good with magic as she was almost as good as an elf. Calypso was nowhere to be seen.

"Hi girls." I heard Calypso's voice shout from behind me. I turned and saw her jogging towards us. "Calypso! hi!" piper chimed.

"Hey." I said smiling at the cutest titan ever.

She joined us and we roamed around the city, chatting about anything and everything, even about eragon and queen arya, who made a cute couple.

As we roamed around giggling, we came upon the duty chart, which said that we have to clean the room containing dragon eggs this evening.

"Wow, I have never seen the egg chamber, or a dragon egg actually." Piper said excited.

"So lets see them then, we will polish each one till it shines." I beamed at her.

"Maybe we can talk to one of the eldunari too!" Calypso said to us. I swear that she doesn't just look 16, she behaves like that too.

"Yeah, mental communication has been tough but now that we have the hang of it, I think we could try." I said. We had learnt it though we had to concentrate a lot more and were still barely able to do it. Eragon had explained that we needed magic control for it, that was why it was so tough for us, though our godly half helped.

As we entered the hall, the first thing we noticed was that the heat and light seemed to be drawn inside, making the room bright as if the sun was inside too.

The sparkling gem-like eldunari of an assortment of colours, arranged in small compartments in the circular wall, seemed to sparkle and we gasped at their sight. Then, the floor was covered with numerous eggs from pure ivory white and electric yellow, to a hot pink one, with a beautiful criss cross light pink design on it, to a pure black one.

We were enticed by the sight and stood staring at it till we heard someone clear their throat. I stiffened and turned in the direction of the sound, just to see some kind of metallic guy.

"Ah, you girls must be the girls assigned to clean this place up, by the way, I am Cuaroc, the safekeeper of the eggs and my fellow eldunari." the guy-thing said.

"Y-yes I am the titan calypso."

"Piper here." piper said, extending her hand which it shook.

"Annabeth." I said, smiling at it.

He smiled back and passed us the cleaning materials, including three polish sprays for the eggs.

We cleaned all the Eldunari compartments carefully and also the rest of the room before we moved on to the eggs.

"Aren't these just beautiful?" piper said, cradling the hot pink egg in her arms.

"Yes, yes they are." I said, clicking a picture of her as she looked very cute with the egg. Caypso found one fiery orange one with brown stripes too, which strongly resembled Leo's burning hair. Then my eyes fell on one egg, it was blue at the top and bottom, merging into sea green at the middle. It reminded me of percy's eyes and I sat staring at it.

"Earth calling Annie, annabeth you there?" Calypso asked, jamming her head in front of my face.

I yelped. "What?"

"We were calling and you didn't even listen!" Calypso pouted.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said that we three should each pick an egg and take pictures."

"What are we waiting for?" I asked, beaming.

Half an hour, a lot of pictures and three super polished eggs later, we remembered that the others had to be polished too and got to work.

An hour and a half later, as I kept the sea green egg beside me and began to stand up to leave, a faint crack was heard, which was echoed twice from piper and Calypso's side.


"Pass me the bottle please, Fry." I said.

"Sure, waterhead."

I smirked at the new name I was given by the alagaesians. Most of us were now called something new, I was waterhead or WH, leo was torch, jason continued to be sparky, bob was bob, thorn was poisontail or PT, frixiad was friedsalad (cause thats how his name sounded) or fry for short and Kvîstor was kvis. We had come up with many more but these were the most common. I was first called seaweed brain but I stopped them because only my wise girl can call me that.

We were having an excellent evening of barbecue and drinks, singing and a bit of leo dancing and jokes of course. It was perfect.

Leo suddenly shot me a tiny fireball, which got my t-shirt ablaze. I panicked and summoned water from the lake and doused the fire. I gave leo a playful glare, before shooting all the water right at him. All he could manage was a short "Uh-oh" before he was knocked down by the sheer force, not to mention that he was drenched from head to toe.

Everyone laughed and laughed till Saphira flew in from the forest, swallowing a whole deer at once and said, 'nice way to take revenge and put out the bonfire.', with an amused expression on her face.

"Yeah, now how will we roast the marshmallows?" Leo complained, drying himself using his fire power.

"Ah, just ignite your hair and we will use that." sparky added and another round of laughs broke out. Even the dragons- saphira, garsk and blafor, laughed in their own creepy way.

We were actually roasting marshmallows on Leo's head as punishment for the fireball when, "Nice way to roast marshmallows." someone said.

I turned to see murtaugh walking up to us along with his dragon, Thorn. There was dead silence then, and seemingly pleased, he began, "I have some good news, three dragons have hatched for the girls, annabeth, piper and calypso sometime ago, while cleaning the cave."

A/N: So guys, how is it, what do u think the three dragons would look like? Any guesses why I gave these three the dragons? Hope you like the chapter :)

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