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I opened the door to let the 3 people in. I told them to go to the living room. Tsunade, Hinata, and Shikimaru all sat on the couch and I sat on a nearby chair. "So what are we hear for?" Shikimaru asked. "I'm going to be leaving Konaha soon." I said. "B-b-but why?" Hinata stuttered. I smiled gently at her. "Konaha is a place where I have few happy memories. I have been tortured and beaten within an inch of my life. Some of my happiest memories were with you three." I said. "If you knew you were leaving Konaha, why say you'd think about their consequence?" Shikimaru questioned. "After all they've done to me they should have expected this. If they want to continue being delusional that's up to them. I'm going to rebuild Uzushio better than before." I said. "Troublesome." Shikimaru complained. "The three of you are here for another reason. I can make it so you are a part of the Uzumaki clan. It's a simple enough ritual and gives you the same rights as any Uzumaki." I gave a small smile. "That's amazing!" Tsunade exclaimed. "I am perfectly fine with this ritual. By the way, I've always thought it unfair that the Uzumaki spiral is on the jounin and chunnin vests. That should have been removed when Uzushiogakure fell. Want me to take care of that?" Tsunade asked. "That would be most appreciated. Thanks Lady Tsunade." I emphasised the lady part to tease her. After performing the ritual the others left. I decided to start sealing my mother and fathers notes, scrolls, and other effects. I found some of my mothers notes on life essence and thought it might be useful so I started reading a bit about it. Apparently the essence of life is a different force from chakra. It flows in all things. It doesn't require handsigns and seems far more efficient than the current battle style. The downside is that it will only work when someone isn't using it for revenge. The wielder must have no ill will. I was curious about this so I decided to seal it in the seal on my arm for later viewing. After that was done I went to look for pervy sage. I figured he'd be near the bathhouses, and sure enough there he was. He had his eye up to a hole in the boards. I smirked. "YOU'D BETTER NOT BE PEEKING AT WOMEN IN THE BATH AGAIN, YOU FILTHY PERVERT!" I said after using a transformation jutsu to turn into a teenage girl. "Wh-what? I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!" He protested. Screams were heard coming from the bath. About 10 women came out and started beating Jeraiya bloody. After they left I released my jutsu. "Serve you right, perv." I said. "What the hell?!" Jeraiya whined. "I came to tell you I'm leaving. I found people I can be myself around so I'm going to stay with them." I told Jeraiya. He gave me a sad look. "Not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss ya gaki. You better eat healthier, ya hear?" I looked at him. Soon he looked kind of uncomfortable. "What? I got something on my face?" He squirmed. "Did you just tell me to eat healthier? Do you even know me?" I asked, disbelieving. Jeraiya chuckled. "Sorry. Forgot who I was talking to for a moment." He said. "Anyway I'm going to leave in a couple of weeks, but I'm not going to leave my parents house until then. I want to try to imagine what things could have been. Bye pervy sage." I said. "Bye gaki."

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