All the things they'll told me and yet the still consider themselves as helping me. All the times they put me down and still say we're only trying to help. Yeah they are trying and failing a whole lot. But I gotta think about it, no one will ever lo...
Gloria POV I was waiting on KeKe to show up at the movies,when this fine boy walked up to me. He looked familiar but I don't remember where.
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"Hey thickums, can I get your number?"he asked,now this nigga look a little like Aaron but Aaron has some damn manners.
"No you can't Mr"I said back then glanced at KeKe who was walking up and she looked angry. She came up and smacked the shit out that nigga upside the head.
"So this what we do now Gloria? You fucking him too"KeKe said which really broke my heart because I didn't know who he was or what kinda connection he had to KeKe.
"Mane I don't fuck with FAT bitches"he said but he tried to get my number and how I go from thick to fat.
"KeKe I don't know he was! Girl he came talking to me! I didn't know he had any relations to you"I defended.
"You didn't know shit biggest you're so busy with Aaron"she said which was a lie. I went back to school as in college,I got a job and I been hanging with Aaron but not all the time.
"You just don't know"I said shaking my head. KeKe dropped out of school at age 14 while I stayed in school. When I brought up school around her she used to get mad and say I'm rubbing it in her face.
"I don't need to know! I lost my best friend and my so called boyfriend! This shits outrageous"KeKe said walking away, I could hear her sniffles.
"Can I still get your number?"The dude who KeKe was seeing asked. This Nigga stupid thinking imma give him my number hell no but I'll go and get my best friend.
I walked out the theater when I got a call for Saint Jews Hospital.
SJH: do you know a Aaron Thomas?
Me:yes why?
SJH:he's been in a car accident and we need you get her immediately
I hung up the phone rushing to my car,I couldn't lose Aaron. We may not be in a relationship but I love him to death. . . . . . . Aaron POV I had just dropped of Kayleigh at my momma house since Madea had got arrested. I was pulling up to the gas station when this truck I noticed was following me crashed into me as I was turning into the lot. I could see the whole front of my car crushed,the blood dripping down my head. I remember the words that dude or female said to me before the cops showed up.
"You should've stayed away from August's property"he/she said, I never even touched August's property ohh shit he meant Gloria, or Miracle or Kayleigh. I could see a bright light being shined into my face then soon I blacked out. . . . . . August's POV After the call with Gloria, I knew something had to be done. Aaron been keeping her busy where she wouldn't come crawling back to me so I could hold her and kiss her and take that virginity.
I made two calls that day which I had to earn by fucking a officer. I made on to one of my homies,my Nigga Klutz! He's been through it all. I had him come and visit me since JailHouse have bugged phones so they can hear what you talking about.
When he came I told he I wanted Aaron dead at all mean necessary. I also mailed a later to boss man and his peeps that if Klutz snitches to kill him.
After Aaron's gone, Gloria can come and visit me with Kayleigh. I know that if I was to get caught then they'll cut off all visitors from seeing me or speaking to to. They may add some extra years for murder but honestly I don't give a fuck. . . . . . . Keke POV Maybe I overreacted just a little bit with Gloria. I didn't even let her explain. She told me about how she always wanted to go back to school but I told her if she did that she wouldn't be hanging with me as much! She swore up and down that wouldn't happened but now I don't see her and I don't even know if she's in school of not.
Brandon texted me talking bout meet him at Saint Jew Hospital it's a emergency. Ain't nothing in the world that important but yet I still rushed to get their. Walked in seeing Gloria rocking back and forth crying shaking her head and Brandon trying to comfort her. I see a couple officers with Ms.Madea and I see Ms.Thomas and Kayleigh. They look tired, scared and worried.
I put two and two together! August! He said he was coming for Aaron, but how if he locked up.