Chapter One (Edited more or less)

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Chapter One - I Hate Potions

   Harry wasn't really listening as Snape went on about a potion. He had too much on his mind at the time. Snape had forced him to be partners with Malfoy, and he hated every second of it.

   He was brought out of his thoughts when Malfoy nudged him with his elbow. "I said, chop this up and then stir it, Potter." Malfoy said, shoving some sort of root toward him. Harry rolled his eyes but did what he was told. He added in the root and started to stir it.

   "No, not like th-" Malfoy started but was cut off by an explosion. A light bluish smoke surrounded them both. Malfoy held his breath, to prevent breathing in any smoke, as he glared at the spot he last saw Potter standing.

   Draco heard him coughing but somehow his voice sounded off. It was.. squeakier? The smoke cleared and.. a little boy, looking about five years old, stood in Potter's place. The boy had a large resemblance to Potter, in fact, he looked like a smaller version of him. He was wearing muggle clothing that was a few sizes too big, he had tangled curly black hair and he had the same scar Potter did.

   The only thing different is that the boy looked like he was hit by the Hogwarts Express. He had a bruise on his left cheek and several scratches on his exposed skin. The child looked up with big, curious green eyes looking straight at Draco.

   Snape started walking over and the little boy noticed. He ran behind Draco and looked at Snape from behind his leg, fear in his green eyes. Draco had no idea what to do as he just stood staring in shock at the little green eyed kid.

   The child was holding onto Draco's pants leg for dear life, fear in his eyes as Snape got closer. He looked up at Draco, who was still staring at him, with pleading eyes, silently begging for Draco's help to get away from the strange man walking towards him.

   Snape grabbed the boy's shoulder roughly and pulled him off of Draco's leg. He then turned around and started walking away with the boy. Snape stopped and called over his shoulder "Finish your potions, clean you're cauldrons and I expect a full essay on it. Draco, come with me."

   Draco snapped out of his trance and realized all eyes were on him and the boy. The other students, save for Ron and Hermione, got back to work. Weasley and Granger, on the other hand, started towards Snape, who was already halfway out the door, and the little boy, who looked like he was about to cry.

   Draco went to catch up with them but was blocked by Weasley and Granger. They were going out the door after Snape. Draco finally got out the door to see Snape walking down the hallway and the child's face covered in tears with Granger and Weasley at their heels.

   "Where are you taking him?" Granger demanded as Draco caught up.

  "The Headmaster." Snape said, not even looking at her as he continued walking. The boy looked over his shoulder to see the older boy he saw when he appeared here, wherever here is...

   Truthfully he was scared, he had no idea where he was but somehow he felt safe with the older boy. He didn't know why, but he did. The man that had taken him from the older was dragging him down a hallway, away from the platinum-haired boy.

   There was another boy, one with red hair, and a girl that were following the man that took him and the platinum-haired boy was behind them. He was suddenly yanked around a corner and he tripped over his own feet, falling to the ground. The man tried to keep him from falling but failed.

   Draco watched as the little boy started crying again, he had stopped crying at some point when he was looking back at Draco. Draco didn't know what to do as he stood behind everyone else. Then he watched as Granger went over to the small boy and tried to comfort him but the boy just backed up to get away from her.

   The boy looked over at Draco, tears still falling down his face. Draco hesitated but walked to the child. He knelt down beside the boy and the boy scrambled over to him, grabbing his robes, forcing Draco to pick him up.

   Hermione watched in awe and Ron looked as confused as he did when Hermione told him to come with her to follow Snape. Snape just told Draco to follow him and continued down the hall.

   Once they had gotten to the staircase that led to Dumbledore's office Snape started naming off sweets trying to figure out the new password. "Chocolate frogs... Acid pops... Fever fudge..." It was quite funny in everyone's opinion to watch Professor Severus Snape naming off candies. "Licorice snaps... Sherbet lemon." The gargoyle staircase turned, allowing access to the headmasters' office. Snape went first, leading the way. Draco went next, careful not to drop the trembling child. And then lastly Ron and Hermione.

   Snape didn't even bother knocking as he opened the door to Dumbledore's office. The headmaster looked up from his work to look at Snape. "We have a problem." Snape said as Draco walked in with the small boy.

    "Oh?" Dumbledore questioned. Snape gestured towards the boy. "I see."

   "Potter seems to of made himself younger when his potion exploded." Snape said quite aggravated.

   At the moment, said boy was clinging to Draco, his head on Draco's chest. Draco was puzzled, so this was Potter as a kid? He doesn't seem like it but then again the boy does look like a mini version of him.

   The mini Harry Potter was terrified though, he never thought the famous Harry Potter would have that look on his face although he seemed to relax slightly when Draco had picked him up.

   "Looks like he'll be staying with Mr. Malfoy." Draco looked up at the headmaster saying his name. He had accidentally tuned them out while looking at mini Potter. He processed what Dumbledore had said.

   "What?!" Malfoy, Ron, and Hermione yelled at the exact same time. Mini Harry buried his face further into Malfoy's chest, the sudden noise scaring him.

   "He seems to be scared of all of us, yet he's clinging to you." Dumbledore stated calmly with a small smile, his blue eyes sparkling, his words directed towards Draco.

   "But- but-" Draco stuttered, at a lost of words.

   "He will stay with you in the Slytherin dorms." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.

   Draco stared at the headmaster with eyes as big as saucers, Ron and Hermione doing the same.

   Poor little Harry had no idea what was happening, he didn't even know if they were talking about him. All he knew is that he felt safe in these arms and he never wanted to leave them, especially after what they did to him.

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