Chapter Two (edited more or less)

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Chapter Two - This Can Not Be Happening

Draco was currently on his way to the dungeons with mini Potter in his arms. Dumbledore had sent him and Potter to the dungeons to get everything ready for Potter's arrival and stay in the Slytherin dorms.

The small boy was looking around with curiosity in his big, green eyes, tears were forgotten for now. He didn't know where he was but it was cold and dark and somewhere he could hear water dripping slowly in the background.

They came to a big painting of a snake, but what Harry found cool was that the snake was looking right at him. It was moving inside the picture frame like it was alive, hissing as it did.

Harry was fascinated by the snake when it suddenly started talking to him. "What brings you here, small one?" The snake questioned, so naturally, Harry replied.

"I'm not sure, I don't really know where I am honestly." Harry replied. Draco looked at Harry with wide, gray eyes. Harry was talking to the snake in the painting in parseltongue. Draco won't admit it out loud but he loved the sound of parseltongue, it sounded unique.

Draco said the password and the painting opened. He walked in with Harry still in his arms and said boy looked around the common room with curious eyes, well that is until he saw how many people were in the room besides him and the older boy holding him.

Harry snuggled into platinum-haired boy's chest to hide from all the stares the strangers were giving him. Another older boy walked over towards him and the person holding him. "Uh, Draco.. who's the kid?"

"It's Potter." Draco replied with a sigh. Pansy walked up to stand next to Blaze.

"What do you mean 'Potter'?" The girl asked slightly angrily, although Harry didn't know why she got mad.

"I mean he turned himself into a bloody child and now he won't let me put him down." Draco said, his voice raising slightly.

"Huh" Blaze went to move closer to Potter but he just tried to hide in Draco's arms. "Why he so scared?"

"I'm not sure," Draco replied with a sigh. "He wouldn't even let that mudblood near him."

"Granger?" Blaze asked. Draco just nodded.

"The headmaster said he has to stay here..."

"Here?! You mean in the Slytherin dorms?! But he's a Gryffindor!" Pansy shrieked. Harry thought he was being yelled at and started to cry again.

"Clam down, Pans, if you want to yell at anyone yell at Dumbledore." Draco said rubbing Harry's back.

Pansy scoffed and rolled her eyes at the Harry Potter crying over something like that. Draco turned away and started to walk to the dorms to see if the house elves had finished setting up Potter's bed.

Harry had stopped crying by the time they were up the stairs and in the dorms. Harry yawned, as it turns out, crying takes a lot out of a person. Draco looked around and spotted Harry's new bed, right next to his.

Harry was tired but he didn't want to leave the arms of the older boy he hadn't learned the name of yet, so when said boy started to let go of him he gripped his clothes. Harry knew that if the older boy left he they would get him. He knew they would come after him because he left. It wasn't his fault, he didn't even know where he was or how he got here.

Draco tried to pry his small hands of his robes but to no avail. He wouldn't let go like he was scared of something, scared that if he let go something bad would happen. Since he had no choice, he eventually just went to his own bed and laid down with mini Harry.

Shortly after Harry fell asleep but he still didn't let go of Draco. At some point, Draco fell asleep because the next thing he knows, Blaze is shaking him and telling him that they're late. Draco slowly opened his eyes and the memories of the day before came flooding into his mind. He looked down and, sure enough, there lied Harry Potter still sleeping with his face buried in Draco's chest.

Draco sighed and gently shook Harry to wake him up. Harry's eyes open and the green orbs almost instantly filled with fear. He thought that they had found him and we're going to punish him so he started crying and mumbling "D-Don't hurt m-me. P-Please." Draco gave Blaze a puzzled look and Blaze just shrugged.

"Hey, I'm not going hurt you." Draco said softly.

"You're n-not?" Harry said opening his green eyes that were previously shut. Green eyes meet silver and Harry sniffled and tried to wipe the tears from his eyes while he sat up. He recognized the older boy, he was the one that helped him when he got here. "W-Who are y-you?" Harry asked sniffling.

Draco smiled softly at him."My name's Draco," He replied. "and this is Blaze." Draco gestured towards the boy standing behind him.

"Dray," Harry said pointing at Draco. "And Bla." Harry smiled at know their names and Blaze chuckled when Harry said his name wrong.

"Come on," 'Bla' said. "let's get you dressed so we can go to breakfast."

Harry's face lit up at the mention of food. "Breakfast?" He asked happily.

"Yea, let's go." Blaze said.

"Come on, Dray! I'm starving!" Harry said excitedly as he slid off the bed.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." Draco chuckled and grabbed Harry's hand.

A/N Thanks for voting peoples, you got me inspired so here's the second chapter.

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