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i love him, you should as well lmao

grape daddy comin at you~


"h-hey! put me down fuckface!" you shriek loudly, hitting the vines wrapped around your waist, your blonde boyfriend laughing from the distance as he held you in the air with his ability.

"now that's not a nice way to talk to me, is it (name)-chan?~" he speaks loud enough for you to hear, a mischievous smile plastered on his face as you struggled against the vines, they didn't hold you too tightly to hurt you, but they were definitely strong.

you whined out, knowing you had to act nice again in order to make him let you go.

"why won't you just let me go?!" you yell loudly, punching and hitting, hoping that the vines would magically unwrap and let you go.

even though if they let you go you'd fall and break a leg.

"I'm having fun like thissss~" he sticks his tongue out at you, a cute pink blush covering his slightly tan cheeks as he spoke, he really was genuinely having fun. you couldn't keep yourself from smiling, and eventually chuckling.

"fine fine, let me down and I'll give you a kiss~"
not even two seconds later, you're set down right in front of him, which made you gasp and actually blush as your noses touched.

"where's my kiss?"

"it's here..~"

you grab his face and hold his lips against yours, moving them in such a soft and simple sync it was almost a stress relief, something you both would enjoy.

"wanna go for another round?~"

"no more vines. no."

"but (name)-channnn!~"


i'm trying to make my writing look a bit simple and not hard to read, idk,,

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