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A/N: Danny Phantom I do not own.

Bright eyes opened slowly for the first time. The first color for him to see? Green and black mixing into what he thought was the sky in many, many swirls. Almost to the point of hypnotizing. His first thought?

'Where am I?'

His second?

'...Who am I?'

Sitting up seemed a bit impossible with the state his body was in, so he refrained from that for now. The boy frowned. What did he remember last...? There was waking up... and then black. Nothing else. Trying to go any further just made his head hurt. (more than it already did at least.)

With a sigh, he contented himself with observing where he was. Lying on an island, the ground was just big enough to fit his entire body. (He was also wearing something black and white although he had no clue what it was. Need a mirror to see the rest.) and where the island ended simply...dropped off into nothingness. Or rather into the green and black swirly mess that was above and around him. It seemed rather homey to him if he was being honest. In the far off distance he could see floating purple doors and clock gears in the air. There was even the occasional piece of land like his, but with different shapes and sizes. (He even thought he could see a clock tower on one of them.)

After a few minutes of resting, his second attempt to get up was with success, albeit a bit sorely. He took another glance around, familiarizing himself with what he can see. Trying to see if any of it seemed familiar. (There wasn't which meant he was either really really amnesiac or his past self had never been here before.

He didn't really want to think of the fact that there might not be a past self to him.)

Staring at the ground didn't really help him much although it was rather interesting to look at. The grass was a lot darker compared to-(What? CoMparEd to what?) And the little patches of dirt here and there showed it was a slightly greyish purple color. (Weird. He had never seen something like that.)

(Technically he never saw much of anything, really.)

A thought, unbidden, unexpected and not really his own.

'This is my home.'

How can a piece of rock be a home?

'Just wait.'

A sign of insanity, surely.

And then the ground wobbled and morphed beneath him. He watched in silent fascination as the ground slowly changed itself. As grass sank in the dirt and dirt became wood (-I don't really think it's supposed to do that-!?)

and then.

There was.

A door.


It was different from the others, being that it was a nice silvery black and white. He never noticed he was slowly falling off the transformed door until he was floating in front of it. It took a few embarrassing minutes of flailing around to realize that he wasn't falling. (Just like the door. Cool.)

He stared at it in quiet awe.

That is until the door spat something in his face with a resounding smack.


The action sent him spinning backward, away from the door and into the space that is where ever he was.

When he recovered, the amnesiac boy grabbed for the thing that had hit his face so hard.

It was cold, it was metal, it was a key. It looked like those old fashioned keys meant for mansions with a nice "D" insignia shaped out of the end of the handle. And without a doubt, it was the key to the rather noticeable keyhole in the mystery door.

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