Windows to a soul

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He remembers the pain, the electricity coursing through every cell in his frail, human body. He remembers not being able to open his eyes, but, feeling the darkness rushing around him, pulling him ever deeper into what seemed eternal and something he's only ever seen in his parents 'weapons' pushing back. He feels the tugs between the green and black. The burning feeling, as if the tug of war were burning him inside out.

And then he feels a third pull, a pull that made death and life make a compromise over him, sending cold shivers that seemed to hold and protect him, like an older brother to his hurt twin.

When he finally, finally opens his eyes, the last he sees is red. The last he hears are comforting whispers that he'll be alright.


Danny Fenton woke up to nothing. Well, not nothing in the sense of...nothing. He woke up to the feeling of missing something.

He knew his name was Daniel Fenton, son of Jack and Maddie Fenton. He knew he had an older sister named Jasmine, Jazz for short, but...

Something was missing.

He knew he had two best friends, Tucker Foley and Samantha "Sam" Manson. A meat-eater and ultra-recyclo vegetarian respectably, but...

Danny was forgetting something extremely important. It-it was about him. He jumped out of bed only to look at the mirror.

Black hair, blue eyes, everything looked fine. He blinked. For a second he saw white- and green. Then back.

He rubbed his eyes then looked again. He saw it then,

It looked like a mirage,-a mist seemed to surround him. Colored mist. Patterns of white and black surrounded his clothes. His eyes seemed to glow an otherworldly mix of blue and green. His hair almost silver. Then it faded. Seeping back into his skin like a lotion.

He shivered. It was a cold feeling, but oddly comforting. He knew he was missing something, but knew it would be back soon. It was just... Resting! Yeah, resting. He yawned.

'I must be tired still. I'll go and rest too.'

Walking back to his bed he took off his boots and flopped on the bed. Closing his eyes, he went to sleep, with dreams of greens, and blues dancing together.



In the depths of the Realm of the Dead, in Evermore, a building similar to that of a clock tower loomed. Floating gears of various sizes decorated the area surrounding it, bobbing to and fro like fish in a tide pool. Deep inside, near the very top, hovered a figure.

With blue skin, he wore a purple coat and cloak. He had what seemed to be a grandfather clock in his chest with a pendulum swinging back and forth. Every few minutes his form would change. From that of a child to that of a young man to an old man at his end. It would repeat in a continuous loop for what seemed to be until the end of time. The only thing that stayed the same was his scar that went over one of his red eyes.

His name was Clockwork. Ghost of time and observer of all timelines. Right now he was looking through one of the many mirrors he had. What showed was Danny Fenton, sleeping soundly in his bed without a care in the world. He smiled.

He fiddled a little with the small clock on as his staff, as he continued to look at the scene before him. The screen flickered and switched to show Danny's family and friends. They all seemed to be frozen as if someone shot them with a freeze ray.

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