I wake up in a Scrap Yard: Bianca

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Have you ever woken up and thought, what the heck happened?
Yeah that's what's going on right now. Believe me.

The final sun's rays hit my face. My eyes begin to flutter open as I see the orange pinkish sky. It was beautiful and it kept me awestruck. It was as if I haven't seen this in a long time. Maybe I haven't?

The sky kept me distracted for a while until all of a sudden my head started hurting as if my mind was churning like butter. Two thoughts were in my head. My little brother and my mother. My little brother was super innocent, cute, and loved his greek god and goddesses card game which was sort of annoying but I think anyone could tolerate it. And then my mother. A beautiful and bright women who was always positive even at the darkest moments. She was extremely amazing. I never had to worry about anything. I sit up and find a bunch of sticks. I guess that camping tip from a long time ago was actually useful.

I decided to rub the 2 sticks together but nothing worked. I rubbed them harsher but not even a spark.

The sun was so close to being gone I didn't think I would be able to survive by my own. I was a bit scared but I had to keep trying not matter what.

I tried the trick one more time but I put more concentration into it. Black smoke comes out of the two sticks and then sparks came out. I stare down at the twigs and a flame came out. I was a bit scared but I had to be quick before anything happens. I held the stick with one hand and gathered more with the other one. I made a huge pile of twigs and threw the twig on fire. The wind kept the flame alive. I didn't have any thing to fan the fire with but at least wind was on my side.

The fire revealed a lot. There was a giant medal scrap over me. It was like a roof but it had an open space. I felt a bit safe that I was almost inclosed by a giant clump of metal. In the metal, I see scratches of who know what. But one scratch mark looked like a giant robot. It was strange. Who would want to draw a giant robot.... wait now that I say that, that sounds like something Nico would do. Trust me he would. But this looked fresh. I don't see or see signs of Nico around here. Where am I? That's the question I should have been asking this whole time.

I didn't know where I was but it looked like a desert as I look out side of the giant medal roof. I try to lay down But I feel something on my back. It was a pouch filled with arrows. Where the heck did I get this. The fire flickered as if it were saying "I don't know lady why don't you find out."

The fire flickered more and it reminded me of food. I'm starving. Off in the distance I see a backpack. Wonder if it had something to eat. I stand up, walk over, and take it back to my little cozy spot. It contained blankets, a turtle pillow pet, some weird looking coins in another language that I can understand, some chips, and a sandwich. As I went back to my fire I see a notebook near a giant piece of wood and I decided to read the notes at the end. It was a Diary. The most recent one said.

Dear Diary, I'm kind of sleepy today but I don't want to sleep. I found this giant dessert and it's really cool. It has a bunch of junk in it but I don't want to sleep right now because I might get hurt or robbed. I've considered of dropping you because I barely write in you. See you soon
Sincerely Alyx

Today was the 28th of August? The climate was kind of warm and the food look like it was recently made. I decided to take a bite of food. I don't want to starve to death. The food was good but it still seemed to be a bit fresh.

The fire started to go out in about 20 minutes and I decided I needed to go out. I set the pillow pet down, and the blanket on the hard ground. The blanket was really thick so it felt like a cushion. The moon light shined in the sky and the wind blew softly as I stared at the stars and in minutes I had my eyes closed thinking of where Nico and my mom could have been.

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