Log 2: 8/10/2017 9:46 PM

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Hey guys, Amasynth here. I just wanted to say, thank you for reading my stories. Also... Because of TheNicePrincess23 commenting and voting, you guys don't have to suffer through my cliff hangers anymore! Go show her account some care darlings~! Okay, onto story updates.

I'm almost finished with the first "Chapter" of my main BABTQFTIM fanfiction. If you're wondering why it's taking me so long, I'm in the process of moving to another house and the only time I can edit my stories is at night. So, think about this, I work carrying boxes/mattresses/box-springs to our car that has problems starting, sit in car with my sister and brother, unload all of what we brought, clean up mine and my sister's room with her, almost get trapped while organizing, and then leave for more stuff, depending on the time. And today, we finally got the internet over there turned on. WOOHOO! By now, the first chapter itself has over 2,500 words, a fight scene, and a kinda/kinda-not obvious ship. Comment below if you're excited about the story and if I get 2 comments, I'll try to upload it this weekend! _It's Thursday_

Alright, that's all I have except for the fact that the second chapter of TheNicePrincess x Oswald is done, but I have to upload the first chapter of the main story first.

Bye, my darlings~!!

End Log 2: 8/10/2017 11:05 PM

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