Log 3: 8/2/2018 12:48 AM

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This is Amasynth reporting and no need to worry, just had to surivive freshman year in high school! ....And then we stayed at our grandma's house for 2 months.... We just got back about 4 days ago, so we're resetteling into our house. Also, if you plan on fixing your basment, don't do it in the most humid and rainiest time in summer because..... It kinda floods...

So, that happened second day we got back. Wonderful, got to get soaked, I built a wall with mud, and made a makeshift gutter while trying to unflood the basement.

Anyway, now that you're caught up, I apologize for not updating my stories, and I know that I am so dumb for not updating, but you'll be mad if I just updated a whole bunch and then left again. So I'll be making a lot of chapters in advance and then publish them, and I'll try to make sure that each of them gets one update within a month.

I said that I'll try, so it's not 100% assured. Once again, we apologize... Alright, Amez's turn to say something. Bye darlings~!

Hey guys, is it okay if I make a new story? I mean, would you guys like to read my stories instead of just Amy's? I'm pretty sure that I have one or two published on her, but they could be the ones that I helped to revise... Nah, I have two on here...

If you've seen The New Adventures of Monkey on Netflix, then you'll probably understand why I ship Tripitaka and Monkey. I'm also going to read Journy to the West so I know the original and the bromance... God I just typed that *facepalms*... What have I become?

Anyway, you should know what we're planning on doing -ENTER PIZZ ROLL BREAK- with the chapters, so I hope this will help with updating schedule. Bye?

End Log 3: 8/3/2018 2:16 AM

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