Chapter One

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*For extra effect listen to Beethoven Moonlight Sonata just my opinion*

Xfour, Rose, she was shy an, introvert, she kept to herself unless under the right circumstances. Her first year of high school was the year she met Jeff her soon to be  only friend. He, Jeff had midnight hair, eyes that looked like an ocean full of problems, grief, and sadness. Jeff and Rose got along just wonderfully. They ate lunch together, walked to and from the bus stop together, they went to class..together. The two were inseparable. Jeff went to the extreme and changed his classes to fit with Roses. He did so not very nicely. Let's just say a teacher may have called in 'sick' for a while, a long while. 

Jeff and rose met during the 3rd period of  the day in Mr. Woodshaws class, the study of classical art. The class was given a free  period to roam, explore the classroom, and make friends. Rose just sat a corner of the room. Alone. She whipped out her drawing notebook disguised as a regular notebook. Her drawings were deformed, demented, but secretly had much meaning to her.

*Jeffs POV*

Just walked in the classroom, it seems the teach has already given instruction. The students are raiding the class, it's loud, too loud. I need to find somewhere to sit in peace. My head burns. I mumble under my breath "God i feel a migraine coming on." I scan the room trying to scope out an area i can sit. My eyes stop on a girl, a beautiful girl. Her hair is falling on her face in the most delicate, precise way, her eyes focused on whatever she is doing ,writing, drawing maybe, her nerdy glasses too big for her face. She sniffles and brings her glasses up over her head using them as a sort of headband but letting hair fall back down over her eyes. I notice something odd, she's crying. Her eyes bloodshot, a single tear drops off her face onto her notebook. i slowly walk over to her. I have a slight limp, none other than the fault of my father that bastard thinking he can abuse me and my family.  I sit next to her in an empty seat. She darts a look at me wiping her eye quickly, scooting an inch away. I somewhat chuckle at this action.  She looks back up at me glaring.

"What are you laughing at!?"

"Oh sorry nothing I just thought it was sorta funny the way you reacted at me sitting down."I shrugged back.

"O-oh, for s-snapping a-at you.."She looked embarrassed almost scared.

"Oh no you have no need to apologize." i kindly respond with happiness in my voice. Happy that  she didn't run away. "My names Jeff" I said with a kiddish smile holding out my hand for her to put hers in mine.

"H-hi J-jeff, my names R-rose" she put her hand up in my grasp i gently help it up to my face and kissed it. She, Rose thought that was funny i could tell as she smirked and let a small giggle escape her lips. I wanted to start conversation with the beautiful lass. I asked her a question i will deeply regret for the rest of my life. "So why the hell were you crying?"

"U-um why D-do you want t-to know?" She stuttered back as quickly as she could. Rose looked offended and quite upset. 

" I only ask because you looked extremely sad and its not healthy to be sad." 'Dear god i sound like a loon, shes probably terrified of me now, i sound like a complete stalker, SHIT!'

"U-um I-i will gladly i-inform you that I-i am not s-sad, I-i am i-in-fact just th-thinking t-to hard a-at the moment"She struggled to respond that time i could see the frustration in her face as she skipped along her phrase. 

"O-oh sorry about that, i know we have only just met like five minutes ago but i would joyfully sit and listen to you if you ever need to vent."' I really want to seem friendly to her. i want to be her friend!'

She smiled widely at that comment showing her toothy smile, her teeth were straight and white that just made her more gorgeous.

 We talked and talked about non-sense. We probably talked more about our lives right then, then  i have in all my years of living. I learned that she was a single child living with her father. Her mother died during the birth. When she told me this she showed no remorse or sadness. I just took this as she moved on and was no longer bothered by that fact. She told me her hobbies were drawing, writing, singing, and painting. i summed it up as she loved art in all shapes and forms. We talked, joked had awkward moments of silence that were easily fixed with soft awkward laughter. God her laugh it was angelic i swear.

The class period passed in a heart beat. "Whats your next class?'' I asked filling the void of nothingness with dull words. As we walked out the door she quietly responded

 " Physics w-with M-Mrs. Johnson." 

"No way!" i cheered " i have the same class!"

"Haha Awesome!" She giggled and nudged me a tad on my shoulder. We laughed and talked the rest of the way to our next class. 

The day ended before it even started. I saw her walk out of her 8th period class as i walked out of mine grawgingly. I immediately hipped up and screamed her name "Rose! Hey!"She darted around to the sound of her name. When she saw me i saw a Mona Lisa smile*The updated Mona Lisa conspiracy theories much* I walked up to her cheerily. "Hey"i gasped 'i should really stop smoking that shit kills my lungs' "God i need to quit smoking my lungs are dead, DEAD i tell you" i laughed still reaching out for air. 

" Haha me too, that's why i don't run." she smirked at me in a 'ha' i beat you fashion.

 "So.. you take the bus or walk?" i asked politely waiting for a response.

" i-i take the bus 1-109." she quietly smiled at me " why do you ask?"

" Jesus fate is just bringing us together isn't it?"

"What d-do you m-mean?" she shot me a confused glance as we walked to her locker.

" Oh haha i didn't finish my sentence, I mean fate is bringing us together as we have the same bus and more than a few classes together." I scratched my head in embarrassment. 'i probably most defiantly sound like a weirdo creep now.'

"haha o-oh okay."she sighed, i think relief it was a sigh of some sort." that i-is f-funny " she put on that lovely smile as we walked outside to our bus. I later found out she only lived a few blocks away right next to the local park. Its been a wonderful day. Well then i got home. I have four words. I. Live. In. Hell.


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