Chapter Two

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*Sorry for a late update I've been rushing around lately. again sorry :P *Art is not mine i found it in google images!*

*Roses POV* 

*Time skip half way through the year*

'Wow these past few months have been a blast  haha.' I chuckle under my breath to myself. I lay on my cold lonely bed staring at my computer getting ready to report another entry to my video diary. "O-Okay hey m-me i-in the future. Haha o-okay, um. O-oh god i-i just h-heard t-the door slam shut u-um, s-so anyways wh-where do I-i start?"

" Rose get your ugly ass down here!'' There goes dad again. Screaming at me over nothing, well at least i think its nothing. He thinks it the end of the

" Y-yes Dad! What d-do you need?" I yell back with a hint of anger and frustration in my voice. 

"HEY! DON'T SNAP AT ME!" He screams at me from the kitchen way at the other end of the house. I sprint down the stairs quickly thinking of a way to apologize. I eventually get down there where he is. He glared at me quickly adjusting his gaze to dirty dishes."What is this !?" he screamed angrily  in my face. I could feel my eyes welling with tears."Do you know what this is?" 

"Y-yes D-ad." I tried to hide my stutter as best  i could, but fear was making that very difficult.

"Well! What is it!" I flinched as he got closer to my face screaming at me. 

"U-un-c-cleaned dishes," i whimper back. tears pouring down my face as i realize i just dug myself in to a deep deep hole by not cleaning the dishes last night while he was out blowing all of his money drinking . I step back about an inch and i feel cold a clammy hand grip my arm. I gasp in fear. 

" Clean these damn dishes!" He tried to lower his voice but anger and control was still raging from his mouth."DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"

"+-                                          Y-y-es d-d-ad.'' 

" And quit with that god awful stuttering. It's not cute you know,  with your nasty looks ugly personality,  AND stuttering no one  will ever find you anywhere near attractive  haha !"  He walked away laughing at me.

 Leaving me there with tears drenching my face. I turn around to face the dishes they're basically stacked to the ceiling there's so much. I have to hand wash them all because dad threw beer bottles expecting them to get washed in the dishwasher. He was wasted that night not caring as he destroyed the house while his creepy friends hit on me and touched me in ways i didn't know a grown man would think is okay. I was there for a little over two hours scrubbing and scrubbing at the dishes. I cut my hand picking up a knife from the soapy sink. A gash straight through my hand. Blood was tricking down the sink in thin streaks because of the water that spurted on my hand from the rusted faucet. I flinched a small bit at the shock of pain then quickly got used to it. "W-what the f-f..?" I saw something or someone run past the window right in front of the kitchen sink. I grabbed a cloth from the drawer on my left, pressed it onto my hand, pulled a hair-tie from the pocket of my dress  wrapped it around the wound. I crept outside gripping on to the knife that previously gashed my hand open, it still has blood on its blade. I saw the figure crouched behind bushes. My face looked horrid and terrifying, mascara mixed with tears staining my face, a bright yellow dress covered in blood and soapy water. I slowly strut towards the character i notice bright blue eyes and black hair. "J-jeff?" I manage to spit out. I'm still in fear of what happened only hours before. 

"Um hey Rose whats up?" He crawled out of the bushes and up to his feet towering over me.

"What the hell are y-you doing?!" I scream at him 

"Uhhh funny story actually," I notice a shimmer of sliver light coming from his side, I turn my body for the streetlight to give me a better view of what he his hiding. I spot dark crimson covering something, a blade? " i was just um, walking around... and... um...i heard you yelling.. so i came to see what was wrong...then i hid in the bushes.. because  thought someone was after me." He struggled severely to form that phrase. i waited patiently until he was done to question him.

" What's t-that?" I say judgmentally 

"How bout you tell me?" He points to my kitchen knife and wounended hand.

" Hahah oh t-that's n-nothing." i laugh uncomfortably. " Well w-what are you d-doing out t-this late w-with t-that?" i point to his hand still at his side.

" Nothing." He said this very sternly.

" okay okay no n-need to get a-all defensive " i giggle the last bit trying to lighten the mood and make this less awkward." u-um my d-dad wont be home f-for a few more h-hours w-would y-you like to come i-inside?" I ask politely walking closer to him. We said we were just friends well we tried to make it clear but im almost certain i love him and that he likes me too.

" Oh..Uh sure." He flashes a quick smirk.

I hold my free hand out and he takes it without ease. I lead him into my house, hes been here many times before, to finish late assignments and just to hang out with me considering we are our only friends. 

Him and I are both outcasts all of our classes are the same. We ditch lunch period every day. By now the teachers have given up trying to track us down for that hour were missing. We always go to the same place. The mall a few miles away has a water fountain in the center we sit there all period in silence. Its the kind of silence that doesn't need to be filled with pointless phrases or meaningless chatter. Its peaceful and we get to know more about each other and understand by total silence. One day when we were sitting in the mall he reached for my hand. I flinched at the sudden action but then released my anxiousness and leaned on his shoulder as he help my hand in his lap, we missed 6th period because of that.

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