Tails/Thats it.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. They belong to Butch Hartman. (Right? Right.)


It itches.

The base of his spine itches.

It had started off as a tingle near the beginning of summer. He had barely noticed it then, what with the Ghosts he had to tackle. He just simply scratched it until it went away. But now? Now it had steadily increased slowly to the point of almost unbearable and where even putting anti-itch cream (that Jazz had let him borrow) had done nothing. Jazz had been worried but he had waved her off claiming that it was some ghostly rash and then proceeded to shut himself inside his room for the next week.

It was now day 7 of the mysterious itch.

Danny sighed as he looked at the raw bloody skin as he continued to peel off the loose dead skin. It hurt, but he knew that it had to be cleaned or it'll infect. Looking closer he noticed something poking out of the skin. Still covered in small bits of skin and blood was bone.

He stared. And really, if it weren't his ability to stay quiet while cleaning his wounds after fighting ghosts, (or being shoved in a locker) and his desensitisation of gory stuff the only sound he made before fainting was:



June 8:

It was just a little bump. Easily covered by a long t-shirt or pants. The only weird thing was the fact that the bump was bone. That was sticking out of his back. Tailbone. Whatever.

He didn't tell anyone of it.

June 9:

Was it him or did it get bigger? Still easy to cover but have to be careful about jumping. Sam and Tucker had stopped their pestering, finally having believed him about being fine. The not-bump didn't show up in his ghost form.

June 10:

Today was really painful and he had slept the entire day. Jazz had thought he simply had a small fever what with his temperature being a normal humans at the time. (Being half-ghost had his body temp being lower than average.) He had woken up to the Bump growing its own muscles and skin and that it had grown another inch.

June 12:

He finally decided to look closer at the growth. The bone was a little pointy at the end, almost like a horn. It wasn't completely covered with skin but it didn't bleed as heavily now. The second wasn't completely formed-from what he could tell-and really it just seemed like a normal bone to him. It still creeped him out, to be honest.

June 15:

His parents hadn't noticed anything and Jazz had only sent him the occasionally worried look whenever he scratched around the area of the bone.

June 18:

His hunger had increased and he had begun drinking more calcium drinks, to make up for what he had figured was the Bump's doing. It had grown to at least half a foot and seemed to grow a little faster every day. His parents still haven't noticed what was happening. Sam and Tucker had been dragged out to their respective family trips and couldn't come back until the end of Summer. He missed them but knew he wouldn't have been able to hide it any longer were it not for that.

June 25:

One and a half feet long. And still going. Danny kept having to change the sheets in his bed because of the blood. He took frequent showers, wincing every time the water hit an open wound. He was really glad he didn't scar as easily. It would have been much harder for him to clean it.

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