cigarette boy

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cigarette boy:

Monday comes around and Namjoon is going to his last class of the day. Which happens to be his creative writing class, the one he so coincidently shares with stage boy. He tries getting to class earlier today, wanting to see if he can catch sight of him and his name.

But, the bullies come from their hiding places. Challenging Namjoon by pushing him against the wall and sniggering when his frame slides down as he hides his face.

Pushing his backpack from his back and throwing it across the empty hallway. Kids and teachers avoiding the small group and pretending as if nothing was happening.

So Namjoon is late to class once again, having to pick his books from where they fell from his bag when they tripped him.

Stopping by the restroom to clean himself up and hide the bruises that bloom over his skin, fixing his uniform and making himself look presentable.

Namjoon places his hand on the porcelain sink, shutting his eyes and willing the tears to go away, breathing in and trying to forget the words that bounce in his mind, breathing out and repeating it all over again until he no longer feels an impending doom over his chest.

He runs his way to his class, hiding away from the security guards that will stop him.

Namjoon makes it fifteen minutes late for his writing class, quietly opening the door to go unnoticed by the teacher and students. Hoseok and Jackson immediately spot him, their brows furrowed in worry and biting their lips.

Namjoon sighs when he notices that his usual seat next to Jackson has been taken by some random loner who he's never spoken to.

No one pays attention to Namjoon awkwardly standing next to the door, the teacher flashing him a small smile and waving him in.

Namjoon sheepishly smiles at his worried friends, taking the seat that hides in the very back of the class. The one next to stage boy.

Namjoon doesn't notice it at first, loosening his tie and taking out his worn out notebook. Being the only student in class who pays attention to the teacher’s words and writing down whatever is on the board.

Namjoon is opening a fresh page and about to start writing when he hears a snort from the seat next to him and he turns to see who it is.

And Namjoon sees him.

It's stage boy, his eyes looking grey in the dim lighting and hidden by his grey hoodie.

Namjoon is mesmerized, cheeks tinting pink and clearing his throat as he looks away from those eyes, those black almost grey eyes that smirk at how he's a boy who follows the rules.

"Did they hurt you?" There is an again hidden somewhere in that sentence when Jackson asks.

Namjoon shrugs them both off as he steps out the classroom door and walks through the crowd of teenagers who rush to leave hell.

"Namjoon-ah, we asked you a question." Hoseok demands, placing a strong hand over his shoulder that makes Namjoon wince because when they pushed him he tripped and hit the wall with his shoulder.

Hoseok's frown darkens, Jackson sharing it with him. "No guys, I was just pushed by the crowd and stopped by the rest room to take a piss. Just calm down and let it go."

Namjoon pushes Hoseok away and flinches when he pulls his backpack closer to him, the fabric rubbing against his tender skin.

Jackson's lips pull into a thin line, "You sure? It wasn't Ja-"

"Don't mention their names! And I already told you, I stayed behind in the restroom. Now stop talking about it, I need to get home early and you two need to go home because you're both grounded."

Hoseok groans as he remembers his mother’s furious words about coming straight home from school, Jackson running a hand through his hair and yelling out that he needs to leave before he misses the bus again and gets another earful from his mother.

Namjoon is left alone again, his two friends rushing off. The main corridor is half empty so Namjoon quickly makes his way through the few people that are still around and leave before the group comes chasing after him again.

But, he stops in his tracks when he sees Kim Taehyung - the star of the basketball team, the smartest student in their grade, the Kim Taehyung - moving in too closely to Hoseok.

Namjoon is about to make his way over and intervene when he sees the group of bullies coming his way and Namjoon's thoughts about Hoseok and Taehyung fly through his head as he runs out the school, praying and hoping that the bullies don't catch him.

And it seems like luck is on his side because once he passes the gate Namjoon finds no sign from any of them. Namjoon sighs in relief and starts his way home, smiling as he thinks about passing the graffiti wall and stage boy.

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