Kevin Durant- Pregnant

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Santa Ana, California

"Are you alright, babe?" Trayce asked him while Kevin was puking his guts out. "I'm okay," He replied wiping his mouth from the sleeve. "It's just a stomach bug, I'll be fine, I think I ate some Mexican food and it's nasty," "Oh okay," Trayce nodded. "I think you're having morning sickness," "Yeah, you're right," He agreed.

"That happened to Klay one time," Trayce shrugs. "Aw! Man. He kept vomiting and he told me that he had a stomach flu, but the doctor said that it wasn't a stomach flu, he was pregnant," "Oh wow," Kevin replied and later on, he asked him. "Uh Trayce?" "Yes Kev?" He heard him. "I think I should take the test to see whether it's positive or not?"

"Sure! No problem," Trayce went to the shared bedroom while Kevin is in the bathroom checking the results. Kevin waited for the results to come. Kevin's thoughts started running in his head. Oh no this better not be positive. A minute later, The results come back.



Kevin Durant: No, no, no, no, no.

Trayce Thompson: Are you alright, Kevin? I've been waiting for you.

Kevin Durant: I'm okay, Trayce. I just need some time to adjust.

Trayce Thompson: Don't worry, it's not the end of the world you can adjust in our room.

Kevin Durant: You're right! I'm coming now.


Trayce Thompson: So what was the result?

Kevin Durant: It says: Positive. I'm sorry, Trayce. I'm pregnant.

Trayce Thompson: Sorry? No way! It's amazing. We're going to be parents.

Kevin Durant: Yup.

Trayce Thompson: Let's go to sleep. We will go to places in Los Angeles tomorrow.

The next morning,

They were eating out at IHOP and Trayce was asking Kevin about how he's feeling?

Trayce Thompson: How are you feeling?

Kevin Durant: like the insides of me had turned into waste.

Trayce Thompson: morning sickness happens, Kevin. So it's normal, my brother had that too.

Kevin Durant: Oh I see. How is he doing?

Trayce Thompson: He's doing well.

Kevin Durant: Oh that's good

Trayce Thompson: Right now he's on his seventh month. We can visit him later.

Kevin Durant: When is he due?

Trayce Thompson: He's due on June 2nd.

Kevin Durant: Ah okay.

Kevin Durant- 15 weeks pregnant

Kevin Durant: I've been throwing up since this morning hurgh!

Trayce Thompson: Oh my goodness.

Kevin Durant throws up in the kitchen sink.

Trayce Thompson: you probably ate something bad.

Trayce Thompson//Kevin Durant: The Beginning (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now