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Hoseok watches with affection and amusement as Kihyun putters around the dorm barefoot for his weekly cleaning routine, humming a pleasant melody as he goes. It's a warm Sunday morning, bright sunshine and fresh air streaming in through the open windows. There are about a thousand birds chirping happily outside and Hoseok imagines them flying through the window to assist Kihyun in his work, Kihyun smiling and blushing and bursting into song like some kind of Disney princess. It's the most adorable mental image ever and Hoseok can't help but smile at the thought, his face going warm with fondness for the little vocalist, his little vocalist.

The rest of the members are still asleep and, as usual, Kihyun had gotten up several hours early so as to have the chance to clean in peace without having to simultaneously work around six other boys, in particular the certain two (their names starting with "Min" and "Hyung" respectively) who always seemed to enjoy messing things up mere seconds after Kihyun had cleaned them.

Also as usual, Hoseok is awake to keep Kihyun company. His poor, sweet Kihyunnie is always so burdened having to take care of them all, but Hoseok hopes that even if Kihyun won't accept his help (also as usual), he can at least be there as a comforting presence while Kihyun works.

"I appreciate the offer, Hoseok," Kihyun had said when Hoseok had offered his assistance after rolling out of bed to find Kihyun already on his hands and knees, scrubbing a spot on the floor in the kitchen with a bright yellow sponge and a bucket of soapy water.

Kihyun had continued talking to him, but Hoseok had taken one look at Kihyun's cleaning outfit–a soft, oversized t-shirt and ridiculously tiny little shorts that perfectly stretched over the curve of his ass as he bent forward on the ground–and immediately stopped listening to whatever Kihyun was saying to him, his mind wandering down a marvelously fun and sexy path.

"...but it's better if I just do it all, trust me," Kihyun had finished after about thirty seconds of talking, pulling Hoseok out of his lewd thoughts (which at that point had devolved into a vision of Kihyun squirming on a bed in a disheveled French maid outfit).

"All I need from you is your company," Kihyun had said.

Yet, even now as Kihyun cleans, he keeps shooting Hoseok these irritated looks, huffing and puffing with exaggerated sighs and purposely working right where he knows Hoseok can see him while Hoseok sits there on the couch, watching with the usual mix of confusion and endearment at Kihyun's perplexing, passive-aggressive behavior.

Had he expected Hoseok to insist on helping? It's not like that would've made any difference; Kihyun is so stubborn that arguing with him is like arguing with a block of cement. And he's so particular about how things should be done that Hoseok knows that he'd really just be getting in the way, making Kihyun's job all that much harder.

But even so, Hoseok wants to help–he really, truly does–if only Kihyun would accept him.

"Are you sure you don't want any help there, Kihyunnie?" Hoseok asks as Kihyun cleans the area around Hoseok's feet, refusing to make eye contact but still looking oh-so-delicious in those tight little shorts of his.

"Nope," Kihyun responds, his cheeks red and puffed up in annoyance. "You just keep on relaxing, enjoy our day off."

It's so confusing but so, so adorable and it makes Hoseok smile like crazy because it's just one of the many moments when Hoseok feels like the two of them have already become like an old married couple. They've certainly spent enough time together, what with having the longest and deepest relationship in the group and having been through so much together in just the past few years with no end in sight, as if they're destined to always be by each other's side through all of life's trials and tribulations.

i'll be yours [kiho, kihyun x wonho]Where stories live. Discover now