Chapter Two

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New Beginnings

Chapter 2


"Why is it so hot in here? Aren't you hot?" Aria said as she stripped off her jacket.

"I am now," I said nervously.

"I've been thinking that we could use some alone time,"  Aria said as she shut the door and took off her tank top. She was beautiful, my hands started to get clammy. "How do you lock this thing?"

"It doesn't lock," I mumbled as she took a chair and jammed it under the door handle. She grabbed my neck and I wrapped my arms around her petite waist as her soft lips kissed me hard. She tugged on my tie and I thrusted my tongue and explored her mouth, but a second later I pulled away. "I have a class in fifteen minutes."

"That's plenty of time," Aria said pressing her lips against mine and jumped onto me and I carried her to the couch. She laid on top of me and just made out enduringly. I grabbed her hair and...

I woke up suddenly. This was the first time I had a dream with Aria in it in a while. It was years since Aria and I ended it but I couldn't seem to shake her out of my brain. I didn't remember why we ended it, it was all still blurry. I went downstairs and opened up the fridge and sat on the counter and ate the last of the chocolate cake. I heard footsteps and turned around to see my girlfriend Simone. She put on her bathrobe and wrapped her arms around me from behind and pecked me on the cheek.

 She sat down next to me, drinking a glass of water.

"I couldn't sleep either," Simone whispered. "Bad dream?"

"Yeah, something like that," I mumbled.

I met Simone again when I moved back to New York. The first time I met her was at homecoming in Rosewood. Coincidently she worked at the New York Times along with me. I became and editor, and it's the best job I've ever got, besides working at Hollis. Simone became my asisstant a month after I got the job. During the process of work, something clicked between us, and I didn't want to be alone for the rest of my life. We went on a few dates but nothing serious. Undeniably, she was gorgeous and we had a lot in common, but I wasn't in love with her. She was the only other girl I had dated after Aria and I liked her a lot, but she was definitely no Aria Montgomery.

My phone started to vibrate and I turned it around and it was Hanna. Hanna Marin, why was she calling me in the middle of the night?  I haven't talked to any of them since I left Rosewood and settled back in New York.

"I'm gonna go back upstairs," Simone said kissing me. Then I quickly picked up the phone, sliding my fingers over my phone toward 'accept.'

"Hanna," I said.

"Ezra..or Mr. Fitz, whatever the hell you want to be called, I need your help," Hanna said frantically.

"It's really out of the blue, I've haven't seen you guys in years," I said. "What do you need?"

"You need to go to the Rosewood High reunion," Hanna pleaded.

"What?" I was confused. I didn't want to stare awkwardness right in the eye and see everyone from Rosewood. I didn't know if I could handle seeing Aria again. Those big hazel eyes could draw an guy in and I tried so hard to get over her and I was still trying. It was surprisingly easy to stay away.

"Ever since you and Aria broke up, she's been miserable, so please do her a favor and come back to Rosewood. I can't see her unhappy anymore," Hanna begged.

"Hanna, I appreciate how much you care about Aria but I have a new life now, and I really doubt she wants to see me after all these years. But if she wanted to, why wouldn't she call me instead? Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked.

"I can't tell you, but let her do it. Please come to the reunion."

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Because you still love her." I scratched my head because deep down, I knew that Hanna was right.

I grabbed my laptop and went onto a traveling site and booked my flight for the Rosewood High reunion. I am so weak.


The girls and Holbrook came over to the house, and I was cooking lasagna and Emily was helping me cut vegetables for the salad. The smell of marinara and cheese filled the kitchen and I was exhausted.

"God you two are disgusting," I heard Spencer scowl as she walked out of the bathroom. When I peered into the living room, Hanna and Gabe were making on the couch. I shook my head trying not to gag.

"Tell them to go upstairs and a damn room," Spencer said making a repulsive face. Hanna came into the room holding hand cuffs.

"I'm hungry," Hanna said peeking back into the living room.

"Coming right up," Emily said scooping lasagna into five bowls.

"Do you and the cop need spoons, or are you going feed each other mama bird style?" Spencer chuckled saracstically.

"Ha. Ha very funny Spence. You're just jealous because Wren isn't here so you can do the same thing." Hanna sassed and walked out.

Spencer and Toby ended not a long time after graduation. Their relationship was poison, as Hanna called it. They couldn't manage to get along at all, especially after she told him that Alison was still alive. He cheated on her with Alison out of anger, and Spencer found out and broke up with him. Wren came back into the picture and he still had feelings for her, and they began dating for almost a year now. He became a good friend of ours.

"I do miss Wren," Spencer sighed. Wren was in London for a business trip, and was coming back in a week. We went back into the living room and ate on the couch.

"Are we all excited for the reunion?" Emily asked.

"I'm just hoping Mr. Hackett's gonna make his chocolate chip cookies, and I can die peacefully," Hanna said. "What about you Aria?"

"Yeah I'm excited," I whispered. I heard a loud crash from upstairs. I rushed up, and found Mia in my room, sitting on the ground looking at a cracked picture.

"Doll, what are you looking at?" I asked anxiously. My room was a mess, but I didn't know what she was doing in there.

"Mommy, who is this?" Mia said handing me the picture. The picture was of me and Ezra when we were still together. He had is arm around me and we were smiling. It hurt to see how happy we were together, but I didn't want Mia to know who he was. I didn't know I still had that picture lying around. I felt a knot in my stomach.

"No one," I declared.


Hi guys! Tell me what you think, because this took me an hour to type up.


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