Many speakers and authors encourage you to set goals but most have never explained why this is such a powerful displine beyond saying something like"Something megical happens when you write down your goals on paper".In my opinion,setting clearly defined goals for all the areas of your life works for three(3) reasons.first,it restores a sense of focus in your mind,a world that has become complicated by too many options. In this age we live in,there are simply far two many things to do at any given time..There are too many distractions that complete for our attention.Goals clarify our desires and,in doing so,help us to focus on only those activities that will lead us to what we want.
Setting clearly defined goals provides you with a frame-work for smarter choices.if you know precisely where are You going,it becomes far easier to select those activities that will get you there.writing down your goals clarifies your intenstions (and the first step to realizing your vision is defining it).As novelist saul Bellow once observed,"A clear Plan relieves you of the torment of choices"or as author Glenn Bland your life"s mission rather than on you day_to-day moods.
The second reason that goal setting works is that it keep you alert to oppertunities.The discipline almost magnetizes your mind to seek out new oppertunities,oppertunities that you need to seize in order to create the personal,perfessional and spinitual life you desire.And the third(3) reason goal-setting works is that clearly defined goals commit to a course of action.They give you the inspiration to act on your prioties and make things happen your life rather than writting for oppertunities to land in your lap(which rerely happens.) selecting goals the engage and motivate you is one of the best ways to boost the level of your personal commitment to life and increase the energy you bring to your days . so get Big are only as rich,whether meteriallly or spiritualllly,as your dreams.Or advertising genius David ogilvy put it,"Don't hurt.Aim out of the ballpark.Aim for the company of immortals."
Stop thinking too much,it"s alright not to know the answers they will come to you when you least expect plz plz comment/vote
Keep smiling always
Dedicated to all the nerds who were laughed at in high school...
RandomSmile is the that every morning you w'll start to see a Big difference in your life Life "Life is a game board.tym is your opponent.if you delay you wll lose the game. you must make a move to be victorious." ☺ "God...