1.Plan while other's are playing.
2.Study while other's are sleeping.
3. Decide while other's are delaying.
4. Prepare while other's are Daydraming.
5. Begin while other's are procratinating.
6. Work while other's are wishing.
7. Save while other's are wasting.
8.Listen while other's are taking ..
9. Smile while other's are frowning.
10. Comment while other's are criticizing.
11. Persist while other's are Quitting.Plz vote nd comment ☺
.keep smiling
Dedicated to all the nerds who were laughed at in high school...
LosoweSmile is the mirror.do that every morning you w'll start to see a Big difference in your life Life "Life is a game board.tym is your opponent.if you delay you wll lose the game. you must make a move to be victorious." ☺ "God...