Y/N & Harry

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Part 2 on the recent imagine if you and Harry.
This is about your date.

On with the story

You woke up with the sun shining through the curtains making you groan you didn't want to wake up since it was Saturday but you soon remembered what had happened last night.
Harry had asks you out on a date and then kissed your cheek. You blushed at the memory.

You got up and went for a quick shower before getting dressed. You chose your tan jeans with a fancy top. Your blue feathers necklace and earrings. And a blue and brown bracelet along with blue pumps. You decided to walk around for a little bit and you seen at the courtyard Evie and Mal. You walked over to them and they smiled at you
"Hey Y/N" They both said
"Hey Evie, hey Mal" you replied.
"So what's going on with you and Harry" Evie asks you blushed hoping they wouldn't see
"Nothing is going on" You say but they give you a look saying 'we don't believe you' you tried again
"What makes you two think something is going on" you ask
"Because after history yesterday we seen you and Harry talking" Evie said
"And also he kissed your cheek" Mal said you knew you couldn't deny. You blushed again
"Omg! Are you two a thing" Evie asks
"No, well I don't know. He asks me out yesterday so I said yes that's why he kissed me" You said
"Omg you two would be so cute together" Evie said.
"When's the date" Mal ask
"I don't know" You replied. Before any of you could say any thing else you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey lass" you turn around to see Harry with Carlos, Jay and Ben.
"Hey Harry, hey guys" You reply they all say hey.
"Sorry Harry had we turned invisible" Mal asks referring to her and Evie. He looked shocked and guilty.
"Sorry ladies" he said
"It's fine" they said

Harry just stared at you for a few moments then Ben broke the silence
"Harry your staring" Ben said and Harry blushed
"Sorry lass" he said
"It's ok" you replied
"Is there something going on with you guys" Carlos asks
You were about to say something but before you could Evie spoke up

"So Harry, y/n says you guys have a date" Evie said making you blush when the boys stare at you
"Aye we do" he said then noticed the boys looking
"Lads it's not polite to stare at a lady like that" Harry had said and they look away.
"So when's the date" Mal asks
"That's the reason I came over. When do you want to go out lass" Harry said then asks you
"Anytime is good with me" you reply.
"How about tonight" Harry asks
"Perfect!" Evie exclaimed
You look at her confused. Before you could ask Evie took your wrist and dragged you and Mal followed.
When you got to their room Evie let you go and you sat down on her bed.

You knew that Evie was about to start designing an outfit for you for your date you wondered why she thought tonight was perfect. You asks her and she said so you, Mal and her could have a sleepover tonight so they could get details. You rolled your eyes at Evie but smiled also. You three had talked for a while and you got a message from Harry.
'Hey lass' he sent you wonder how he got your number
'Hey, how did you get my number' you ask
'Jay' was his only reply
'Okay, so what's up' you ask
'Was wondering if 7 sounds ok for me to get you tonight ' he replied within seconds
'7 is perfect' you reply
'Great see you at your room then' he sent
'Ok bye' you sent
'Bye' he replied

You seen Evie and Mal smiling at you so you told them that Harry is picking you up at 7. Evie's eyes widened and she went back to doing your dress. She told you to go and get make up ready and she will be at your room at 5. You say ok. You make your way to your room and put your make up on your desk, decide to listen to music for a while. You accidentally fall asleep and are woken up by a knock on your door. You open it to see Evie. You let her in and see Mal also.
Evie puts you dress on your bed and brings you to the mirror. You sit down and she begins your makeup. Evie hadn't put to much on as she thought you looked perfect with the natural look. She finished with a bit of lip gloss and then got started on your hair. You see that she curls it and smiles when she is finished. You say thank you and go get changed. You put on the dress which is knee length and a tan colour and put on some tan heels. When you come out of the bathroom you see Mal and Evie smiling.
"You look beautiful" Mal says
"Thank you" you tell Mal.
"Harry is going to love this" Evie said
"Evie thank you so much!" You say
"It's no problem y/n" Evie says. As soon as she says that you hear a knock on your door. Mal opens it and lets the person in. You see it is Harry in his usual outfit but without his hat.  You walk over to him and his eyes widen
"You look beautiful" he says
"Thank you" you reply.
He asks if you are ready and you nod yes. You say bye to Evie and Mal. And you both leave.

He takes you to the entrance and you see a motorcycle. He hands you a helmet which you take. You put it on and get on behind him putting your arms around his waist and he drove off. After a while he stopped and you seen you entered the forest. You both got off and he said to follow him. You walked for about 10 minutes and then you arrive at a lake and you see a blanket with food.
"Oh it's beautiful" you tell him
"I'm glad you think so" Harry replied

You both sat down and began to eat and spoke about anything you could think off. Soon you guys finished eating and both looked up at the stars you felt Harry's hand touch yours and you looked at him
"Is this ok?" He asks
"Yeah it's fine" you reply clasping your hands together.  You lay your head on his shoulder
"Y/N" he asks you left your head and look at him.
"Yeah" you ask
"Thank you for coming on this date" he says
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" you replied.
The next thing that happens you werent expecting. He kisssed you. It only last a frw seconds but it felt like magic.

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