Chapter 7: The Plan (Sleepover III)

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Third Person's POV
After 3 days~

Their Sleepover
It was the 2nd to the last day of Seulgi's friends in their house and its extended because of SM'ENT gave them extra free 3 days then next-next day in the morning they will all go to SM'ENT together then their going home in their own houses.

Seulgi and Sehun are really like really couples. Others really like their cute relationship, Though their life challenges are really coming cause they only have 2 months to spend with their friends and also with each other, because the CEO just told them that the last 2 months and this month are counted for their preparation for debuting and for other's rookie life. Sehun keep thinking why does he like Seulgi even she was not his ideal type but unfortunately, Ideal type is not really for his basis in girls, but it is spark between them.

They are always in skinned-contact like sleeping on each other's shoulder or holding hands while sleeping (sitting on the couch). And ofcourse they always think that its just a friendly hug and holding hands, but the others don't accept it as their reason like there's really something fishy between them...


"Guys! Irene & Wendy lets go to arcade town!" Seulgi said joyfully. Then, Suho came to Irene and placed his arm around her shoulder. Wendy looked at them weirdly because of Suho's action...
"Mianhae Seulbear, Irene and me will go on a date" And Irene quickly covered Suho's mouth realizing to what he just said then others looked at them including Wendy and Seulgi.
"Mwo?!" others said in unison including Wendy who didn't know about it yet except Sehun and Seulgi. The couple bowed at them for apologizing that they didn't tell it to them. After 10 seconds they stand staight again...
"Mianhae, We keep this as our secret cause we are not yet ready to let you know it but at the time that we accidentally bumped to Seulgi and Sehun on the rooftop, we spilled it to them and we told them to keep it first as our secret" Irene said and surprisingly the others congratulate them.
"Wahhhh!!! My bestfriend is really official to her crush!!!!" Wendy cheered Irene while hugging her. Look at Seulgi.
"Kang Seulgi!!" Wendy called her and they do grouped hug.
"Well, on SM'ENT we will not be obvious about our relationship" Suho said and they all nodded.
"Seulgi! Jjang!!! Lets go on arcade today!!" Wendy said joyfully and Chanyeol looked at her 'Tss. Ignoring me after friendzoning me... Son Seungwan'
"Get ready huh?" Wendy said and Seulgi nodded and they both go upstairs for preparing. Sehun looking at Seulgi until going upstairs 'Kang Seulgi, are you avoiding me? You are not yet talking or greeting me since earlier when you woke up! Tss!!'
"I guess you're having a problem with my girl." Irene said to Sehun
"Huh?" Sehun said and Irene smiled at him devilshly
"Oh Sehun, I know... and I also noticed her by just glancing at you and not talking or even greeting you. Did you have an arguement with Seulgi?" Irene asked making Sehun wondered... But no they didn't...
"Aniyo, since last night she started to ignoring me but when I'm talking to her she'll answered me and after that, she will ignore me again" Sehun said and Irene patted him and go upstairs.

Wendy POV
Ahahaha! Today, I am here inside Seulgi's bedroom with her cause we are going to arcade town.
"ahahaha! Our evil plan is really successful!!" Seulgi said
"Yeah! Oohhh by the way, lets also asked Irene to join our plan" I said
"But they might break up because of it that Suho might taught that Irene is cheating on him" Seulgi said and she also has a point with it. Then the door opened. Theres Irene and Seulgi gave me the 'Go ask her' look. Irene closed the door and Seulgi locked it.
"Yah! WenSeul! Why are you not talking to Chanyeol and Sehun?" Irene asked and we smirked and she gave us the 'Why?' look.
"Ehem. We are just having fun in our plan since last night" Seulgi said that makes Irene smile
"Ahhh!! I get it!" Irene said and Seulgi gave me the 'Go ask her' look again.
"Uhmmm... Please join our plan! Just test Suho if he really loves you and cares for you, And it was just until Friday." I said and she gave us devilish smile
"Sure! After our date, I will start the plan!" Irene joined
"Yey! WenSeulRene on the go!!!" I shouted and we all laughed
"Yah! Get ready Bae, have fun on your date!" Seulgi cheered for Joohyun. Oh, By the way... Sehun is in M.U with Seulgi but I think its more than M.U.

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