hanging out with the boys

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Chapter 2 : 

The show ends and you must go to the VIP and meet them. It’s almost 22:55 it’s ur turn to enter. You open the door and then “Hi” all the boys screamed. You were about to cry but you didn’t cuz they hate to see their fans crying. When Harry saw ya, he stopped smiling and looked at you with a weird look. You noticed that but you should hug the boys and talk to them before the 10 minutes ends. Niall was so cute he was laughing in every single word he say. Louis so funny as usual. Liam was asking you about ur name, age and things like that. Zayn was asking you about the country.

Liam: heey we are so happy to meet ya! Can you please introduce urself to us??

(Y/N): I’m (Y/N). I’m 18 years old. I’m directioner since the X-Factor.

Zayn: Oh Cool! Can you tell us about Tunisia. We are so exited to visit it. 

(Y/N): Hahahaha yeah! I’ll be ur guide if u want ?! We shall be visiting kebelly, to ride camel backs in the whole desert. We can go to tabrka sidi bousaid, local tourist go there to camp in the forests or have an open air bath in the nature. If you came in summer you’ll be happy to visit the lovely beaches in our costs you’ll be also enjoining the water sports there like wind surfing and parachuting.

Niall: Oh that’s so sweet from ya (Y/N) !! and you make me feel in love with this country. What’s the most delicious dishes in this beautiful country?? 

(Y/N): Oww My Nialler! U r always thinking about food. Well u can eat couscous it’s our famous traditional dish here. In winter, we eat leblebi but it’s too hot for ya guys. We have sandwiches that we called cascrout with a little bit of harrisa it’s so delicious.

Louis: Stop talking about food I’m feeling hungry. Let’s talk about you my darling?? Have you a boyfriend? What kind of guys that you love ? (and smiled at you with his sexy smile oh god how cute he is *-* ) 

(Y/N): Ow !! ok M Boobear. Well I had a boyfriend. We were together for 5 years. We were so close to each other. I’ve been crazy about him. But someday when I entered to his house to surprise him and told him that I passed the driving exam so good. I found him having sex with some bitch. Sorry for the words guys. So he has been cheating on me for 3 months. I depressed that time but I could move it on. He is not the last guy in this world and I still young. I should enjoy my life. And the type of boys that I love is funny like you lou. One who cares at me a lot like Liam. One that will make me feel like a princess like Niall. One that will rescue me if I like Zayn. One who will do anything to make me happy like Harry (and you turned to him) 

U and the boys were talking with ya but Harry was so quite. It’s unusual cuz Harry is the craziest one and that’s why. He didn’t say any word. He was sitting on a chair alone and chatting with his phone. He even didn’t say “Hi” to you. Maybe he was sad or he is angry cuz of the bullying . 

Liam: what’s the matter Harold?

Harry: Nah, nothing! 

Niall: Nothing!! But you didn’t say any word from the first time that (Y/N) came on. 

Harry: I said nothing ( he yelled, opened the door and went out )

Louis: We are so sorry (Y/N). We don’t know what’s the matter with him. 

Zayn: Don’t worry about him he’ll be fine.

(Y/N): I’m so sad cuz he is angry and felt like I wish that I could help him maybe he have some problems. My poor haz! 

All of them: oh no don’t be sad!!

And they all hugged you so tie. You felt like you are in heaven and some angels are hugging you . oh my gosh! The best feeling ever. 

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