the date part two

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(Play song)

i ask you if you if you want a second part and you said yes so here it is enjoy

no one pov~

he gets there and you where outside as he pulls up and gets out smiling and opening the car door for you "are you ready (y/n) ?" you nod as you get in it was nice ans cool inside as he close the door and gets in himself he turns to you "you look great " you say thanks then he drives to the carnival you both were sing the new song that just came out you had to admit you it was fun levi never did this with you , you both didn't notice you were holding hand.


levi pov~

i followed them i'm not letting him take (y/n) away from me i know we're not together but i think i really love her i want her back so i'm gonna make there ''date'' the worst thing she ever went on with someone his phone start to ring it was his new needy girlfriend "ugh what do you want'' she say in a squeaky and whiny voice that she needy more money to get her nails did and go to the mall he growls and hang out to tell you the truth he was getting sick of her and her needs he was gonna be broke before he gets old he really didn't know what he was thinking he really wanted you back and now he can't take anymore of this.

no one pov
You guys get to the fair and you smell all of the high  foods that will make your stomach hurt later and hear the screams of people thinking there gonna die and thinking it's the best think ever yup it was the fair you went to the ticket booth and he buys both of you a gold wrist band so you can cut the line and get in any ride you want. You smile and hold hands as you walks past a lol of games the are rigged but enjoyable  he turns and looks at you "what ride you want to get on" honestly you were kinda nervous and wanted to hide he smirks and sees the look on your face as you look at the drop of fear like it's a death Machine he pulls you to the ride and you try to run but he was stronger you look at him "umm I don't like this ride plus it's a long line look" you show him the line and he chuckled "we have the wrist band we get to cut the line" you think to yourself "crap will I'm gonna die it was a nice life while it lasted " you sighed as you both walk and cut the line he gets on and you get on beside him " I'm gonna die!" You whine as the person pulls on you belt to see if it's tight enough . He looked like he really didn't want to be there  he sighed loudly "ugh put you hands on the bars beside your shoulders hands and feet must stay in place have a good time .... I hate my life" then he pressed the button and you start to be lifted up you looked at Leslie and he's grinning like a fool ,it's like he's a child and you found that cute you didn't notice till you reached the top and looked down you started to pray Leslie looked at you and wanted to laugh but didn't he tried to hold you hand but you slapped his away "no touching he said to keep your hands in place" you were gonna talk more but you screamed as we went down super fast getting whipped lashed.

Your pov

"I think I'm gonna throw up" you gag and hold your mouth Leslie freaks out and picks you up and run to the trash and leans you over it .

Leslie pov

"Ok fire away!"

No one pov

You start to throw up a few more rides and your voice was crap for screaming so much Leslie bought you lots of food and prizes for you, you honestly was having fun you won a game and gave Leslie a whale plushy and he jumps like a little girl. And hugs it to death

Levi pov

"I've been trying everything nothing is working I tried tripping him but that made him closer to her ,I tried to make birds attack them but they gust feed them and I even made a ride person make the ride go faster then normal ! But still there having a good time?"

Cheater Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now