Chapter 1- A New Life

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(What you look like when you're 17)
(everything goes to their respectable owners)


It was a warm sunny day in San Francisco. A 4 year old (Y/n) and her father Zhao were their way to visit Uncle in his antique shop, when it started to rain. Zhao pick you up and started running to the antique shop, before the rain got to heavy.

Once they arrived to the antique shop, (y/n) saw many things from foreign lands that Uncle has collected over the years.

Uncle: Welcome to Uncle rare and fine antiques 
Zhao: Ni hao Shūshu (Uncle)
(Y/n): *jumps out of fathers arms and lands on feet and jogs to Uncle giving him a hug* Ni hao Shūshu
Uncle: *looks at customers* Ah. Hello Zhao and (y/n), how are you today
Zhao: We are good Uncle. Just came by for a visit, and (y/n) wanted to play with cousin Jackie. Is he here?
Uncle: Yes he is upstairs, let me call him down......JACKIIIIIIEEEE!!!!!!
(Y/n):*covers her ears*
Jackie:*rushes down the stairs* What is it Uncle
(Y/n): *runs and tackles-hugs Jackie* Cousin Jackie
Jackie:*catches you* Oh hello (y/n), hello Zhao how are you both
Zhao:*smiles* We are good Jackie. (Y/n) wanted to come by and play if that is alright with you
Jackie: Oh yes, that is fine with me
-End Flashback-
-Present (age 17)-
Over the years of living with Uncle and cousin Jackie, or as I call him Uncle Jackie, I have met my little cousin Jade Chan. Jade can be a bit of a hand full. I also met Captain Black of Section 13, when we went to collect the talismans, opening and closing all 8 demon portals with Uncles and Tohrus' spells and the Pan'ku Box. I even got to meet my mother Bai Tza the water demon, and all my aunt and uncles (her brothers and sister). We even beat and imprisoned  an evil wizard named Doalon Wong, not to mention captured all the Oni masks. Over all it was a fun few years.

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