Chapter 4- The Decision

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Y/n)'s POV ~
I started to wave my hand in front of Drago's face cause he's been staring at me for a few hours now. When that didn't work, I splashed water in his face to wake him from his worked..........a little to well, cause now his is steaming mad (see what I did there
(Y/n):-scoffs and looks away- It's your own fault for staring at me, you know
Drago:-wipes water from face- couldn't you find a better way to get my attention
(Y/n):-rolls eyes- I've been trying to get your attention for the past few hours now lizard lips
Drago: why you little
(Y/n):-turns and looks at Drago- Hey I got a question for you
Drago:-folds arms over chest- What is it
(Y/n): Well you're from the future right so does that mean your somewhere on earth now as a kid, or does it not work that way?
Drago:-sits down- Yeah by this time I'm still a kid. If I remember correctly I lived in the jungle alone
(Y/n):-sits and looks at Drago- So you were on your own, for how long
Drago:-looks at me- Why do you care, at that age I was taking care of myself just fine
(Y/n):-hugs Drago & closes eyes- No one deserves to be alone
To my surprise, Drago hugged me back and buried his face in the crook of my neck
(Y/n): You want to find him and bring him here
Drago:-looks at me confused- Who?
(Y/n):-smiles at him- You silly, well the child you

Drago:-looks surprised, but then smiles- that would be nice

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