Chapter 3- The Conversation

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~(Y/n) pov~
It's been a few days since the whole Drago incident and Uncle still hasn't found a stronger removal spell without hurting me in the process, so he concluded that since I am Bai Tza's daughter the chi can't be removed from me because it's now apart of me
~Time skip~
It's been a few weeks since we couldn't get the chi out of me, now we were on our way to Seattle to get the thunder demon chi from Drago.
(Y/n): The weather in Seattle is my type of weather
(It's raining in Seattle right now)
~Time skip to after taking the thunder demon chi and returning Section 13~
(Y/n) walks back to her room and flops on her bed to get some sleep, but before she reached her bed someone or something grabbed her from behind. Becoming startled, (y/n) used the water that she kept close to her bed to attack the intruder, which turned out to be Drago
(Y/n):-whisper yells- What the heck..... How did you get in Section 13
Drago: I have my ways
(Y/n): -sniffs then holds nose- You crawled up through the sewers didn't you cause you reck -waves hand in front of face to get rid of smell-
Drago: -looks away embarrassed- Shut up human and I want that chi you have
(Y/n): Sorry can't, even Uncle can't get moms chi out of me
Drago: That's becau- wait did you say 'moms chi'
(Y/n): Yeah Bai Tza is my mom just like Shendu is your dad. I found out he was my uncle when we were getting the talismans and I met mom when we were sealing all the gate or demon doors and I kinda got sucked into the demon world, on the bright side I got to hang with mom for a bit.
​​​​​​Drago looked dumbfounded and awestruck

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