What happened?

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My dad got diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia a couple years ago. He went through multiple different medications. One medicine said "don't go out in the sun." Well his job was outside so he didn't have a choice. Well his skin peeled off. My dad was a really tan man. After he peeled he was like 5 shades lighter. One medicine was a steroid and it didn't make him feel well at all. (That will be something to remember later in this) he went through a surgery that pretty much killed his face nerves so it wouldn't feel it any more. That surgery was last year (2016) and it worked for a while. He still had to taken medication to keep it from coming back. Well eventually it started coming back so they gave him a medicine pretty much to numb the half of his face where it hurt. And last April his mouth was so numb he could only eat on the side of the mouth that wasn't numb or he couldn't eat foods he really had to chew because he didn't want to bite his cheek. And so it was the end of April and he had went to his doctors to get that figured out. And they gave him a medicine in may to get rid of the numbness. Well before I continue 2016-2017 was my senior year so this was difficult seeing my dad bad like this. And well. The medicine he was given to get rid of the numbing was a steroid. And it didn't fully kick in till a few days before I was going to graduate. He was coughing up brown stuff. He could barely eat or drink. He had to lower the dosage but it was hard because it hurt him so bad he didn't want to take it. But if any of you understand steroids you can't just stop taking them. Especially if it was a high dosage you were taking. So may 14th came along. That was the day I graduated. And That morning was the hardest day of my life. I had to go to my graduation without my dad. He was too sick to go. I was trying my hardest not to cry during graduation. And like I said before I thought it was just his steroid medication. So I had went to my moms (out of town) for a couple days. I thought when I got back it would be all okay again. No. It wasn't. He was only worse. Don't worry I didn't leave him home alone. His girlfriend was there as well helping. Well when I got back he wasn't breathing the best so I called my sister (which also lives out of town) and I told her that I don't think it's the medicine this time. So I told her we have to take him to the emergency room. That night. I believe it was may 18th. We took him to the emergency room. He wasn't breathing on his own so the doctor told us (my sister, my dads girlfriend and I) that he had to be put out so they could put him on a breathing machine. We told him we loved him and he said he loved us. Well that night was the last time I heard him say I love you to me. The next day he got transferred to a different town with a better hospital about two hours away from where we live. Me and my dads girlfriend went the next day to be there with him. The first week I was there. Then the two weeks after that my sister was. Well before I tell you when he died I should tell you how. He had severe pneumonia, copd and a little sepsis at the beginning. He wasn't getting better at all. While my sister was with my dad I was at her house with her kids. So on June 8th I was woken up by my brother in law saying I had to go say goodbye to my dad. He was out on a breathing machine the 3 weeks he was in the hospital. He died June 8th between 2-3 in the afternoon. His funeral was the next Tuesday. The next parts will have what TN, Copd, pneumonia, and sepsis are.


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