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No one P. O. V

Few minute's later...

Izuku is the one who wake up. Looking around he saw that he is in a sort of cinema and realized that everything is  kinda like a normal one but without windows so he dismissed that certain thought.

Afterwards he  look around in worry thinking he is alone but breath in relief when he  spotted multiple people in the area that is asleep at the moment. He saw his classmates, some teachers, the principal and the Class 1-b. He also spotted Aizawa so he decided to wake him up first.

Izuku P. O. V.

I spotted Mister Aizawa so I slowly walk towards him and gently woke him up by judging his shoulders.

"Mr, Aizawa wake up" I said to him as he started to blink his eyes looking around before stopping to me.

"Problem Child, where are we?" Mr, Aizawa asked me as he stand up, hiding his sleeping bag in God-knows-where.

"I don't know Sir but the others are here although I decided to wake you up first" I replied as I sighed in frustration before he walk toward the teachers.

Aizawa P. O. V.

I sighed in frustration about this absurbed situation as I walked to the other idiots (he mean the teachers).

"Problem Child wake up the others" I order him before we started waking up the rest.

Few minutes later...

No one P. O. V.

After waking up realized the rest and knowing there situation some started to panicked, and when I mean some I mean the class 1-b and also mineta whom keep whimpering and saying that he still need to see women and there treasures, while the girls in the vicinity look at him in disgust.

There voices grow louder and louder until it became so annoying until....

" STOP!!! "  a person yelled with so much authority that everyone went silent and fear.

??? P. O. V.

Few seconds earlier...

While looking at the situation in front of me I realized that it might not be an easy job but still it got to be done.

"Why did I accept this?" I ask myself as I watch mineta pitifully curl in the corner and start whimpering and talk about women and... Ohh god, I'm gonna stop right there. I look around once more and have an urge to curl in the corner and hide but I look at him and I'm already determine again to show myself but at the same time...

"I regret everything before this even started but it needed to be done although, they are so annoying" I told to myself as i  pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. I look around and stop at him whom look around in sheer curiosity and a bit amaze  making me chuckle "so he realized" i whisper before giggling at my idiotic question and smiling a little bit.

"Well here goes nothing" I added before yelling at the top of my lungs and stepping in the lights for them to see me.

Present Time...

"STOP!!!" I yelled as everyone look at me in silence while he look at me in surprise before smiling and winking a little bit making me blush a little before I fix my composure.

"Who are you might be?" a calm voice asked in the midst of confusion at it came from the principal of U. A., Principal Nezu, as he look at me in curiosity.

"To answer your question my name is Sera" I replied " and I'm a Goddess" I added as everyone registered her words for few seconds, although I know that they won't believe me at first...

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