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Now we will see part of what happened the year Izuku was kidnaped! Yeah no so good for him XD but enjoy....................... the silence xD I will stop my bad jokes for a moment and I really hope you like this chapter *cough* I hope Akemi (jessy2read ) like this or she will kill me one day *cough* xD


Uraraka's POV

There was a cry, blood, I was lying down in my bed thanks to a blonde girl after being kissed by someone I didn't expected to see again....

Uraraka's POV ONE YEAR AGO (after Izuku's disappearance)

We were confused after seeing that all the villains that attacked us suddenly dissapeared but there's always bad news at the end, that was when we saw Kouta running to us with tears.

"The guy with the green curly hair is in problems!! Help him!!" He was crying of desperation as he was incapable of helping Izuku a few minutes ago.

We didn't say anything as we ran following Kouta to the place where Izuku protected him from his parent's killer, Muscular, I didn't care if he was surrounded by many villains, he was an strategic person, the only thing I wanted was to see him but it was late the only thing left was a trail of blood which disappeared as if the owner vanished. I felt sick my vision was blurred the only person that was in my mind before fading away was Izuku.

3 Months later 3rd person POV

After that incident U.A. decided to protect the students building dorms inside the facilities.
Even after all this time the media hasn't stopped seeing how a student was 'missing', the word kidnaped was a taboo for U.A, in summary the media everyday was trying to get information through the most direct information, the students of the Class 1-A.
Aizawa had it rough but the school decided to build dorms in the facilities by two reasons, to keep the students in vigilance and that the Class 1-A avoids the undesired questions about Izuku.

In the classroom you could only see a brown haired girl, who arrived more early than anyone, with dead fish eyes as she was looking to nowhere in particular thinking about his boyfriend but she was interrupted when out of nowhere a lot of people with cameras and reporters, most of them women, bursted inside the almost empty class, when they saw Uraraka their eyes shined like if they were wolves and they found a little lamb. Uraraka was angry because they were going to bother her with a lot of questions but that was interrupted when a wall of ice formed around Uraraka in the shape of a circle, at the entrance of the class you could Todorokiand the rest of Uraraka's classmates.

"We gently request all of you to get out of here, you are in school's premises without authorization" Iida was serious without shaking his arms like the other times.

"We are authorized to go as fa-" "YOU AREN'T AUTHORIZED BY ANYONE YOU CUNTS!!!! OR I WILL EXPLODE ALL YUR FUCKIN' FACES!!" Bakugou interrupted a middle-aged woman who had an annoying voice of superiority as he was making his hands to show a faint explosions.

The people started to run to the exit seeing how they will be half-killed by a kid, after that Todoroki melted the ice wall only seeing that Uraraka was still distracted with her dead fish eyes, this was starting to be something normal after what happened with Midoriya but all the class knew that this wasn't healthy for her, even if it hurt her she needed to go forward the pro heroes were doing their job at the moment.

"Hey Uraraka you should stop worrying about it, the pro-" "Why should I believe that they are doing their work when three months have passed and I don't see Izuku at my side *sob* s-stu-stuttering and re-red like a-a tomato *sob* I-I cannot continue like this! I d-don't even know if he is alright!! I fear that he is d-d-dea--" Tsuyu quickly embraced Uraraka as the tears were forming in everyone eyes, even Bakugou was sad but his attitude doesn't let him show his true feelings so easily.

Love drives you MAD (IZUKU X OCHAKO) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora