one; first day

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It's just your first day at school. Nothing to be nervous about. Those words played on repeat in my mind as I hopped on the bus. Others are having their first day as well. I scanned the bus for seats and found one amongst a large crowd. I squeezed through them and sat down. The bus ride to school was going to be forty five minutes. I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep when suddenly...

"Hi there!"

I almost jumped out of my seat and turned around to see who had just shouted. There was a ginger haired boy seated behind me. He was wearing a graphic tee and had electric blue eyes. His head peeked over my seat and he was smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself.

"Yeah you! I'm trying to make as many friends as possible on the bus, so that I won't be lonely when I get to school!" He chirped.


"What's your name?" He asked, reaching a hand out.

"Lloyd," I smiled, taking his hand.

"My name's Jay!" He grinned.

"Hey Zaptrap, you can talk, but you don't have to shout," I turned to look at the boy sitting beside Jay.

He had black shaggy hair and carried a cool attitude. He had chocolate brown eyes that screamed murder. Or at least that's what it looked like. He was wearing a black hoodie from what I could see. I wonder how many times he's been called emo.

"Yeah Sparky," I turned to my left and saw yet another boy except, he had brown spiky hair and a black t-shirt with a red flannel. He had reddish eyes which looked really cool.

"Oh come on Flamehead," Jay whined, "Rocky, you're supposed to be the one agreeing with me," Jay laid on 'Rocky's' chest as he pushed him back and laughed.

"Fine, I'm Cole," he smiled.

"Kai," the boy who was now known as 'Kai' smiled at me.

"I still do not get the meaning of the use of nicknames," a platinum blonde haired boy sat behind Jay and Cole with a girl who had short black hair.

"It's a friendship thing that I wanted to put in my life ever since forever and we're doing it Tin Can," Jay spoke, turning behind and kneeling on his seat to look at the boy behind.

"Oh yeah! Lloyd, this is Zane and that's Nya," they smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Ooh! We're here!" Jay squealed, jumping onto Cole who was by the window, plugging out Cole's headphone in the process.

"Jay," he groaned, with a slight laugh, "you could've just asked to change places with me."

"I sit and do what I want Boulder Brain," Jay protested.

I looked at Kai who was laughing at the scene playing out in front of him.

"So, who came up with the nicknames?" I asked.

Kai looked at me and replied, "Jay. We got on the bus at different stops so he had a lot of time to come up with all these stupid nicknames."

"Shut up Blaze Brain," Jay retorted, still on Cole who had his headphones back on.

"Why does yours always relate to fire?" I asked.

He shrugged as a reply. "He likes to base them off our personalities so I guess I must be hot," He smirked.

We all got off the bus and Jay squealed in delight again, "Yay! School!"

"I don't think I've heard anybody say that before," Cole chuckled.

"Lets go, let's go, let's go!"

Jay was starting to sound like Dora except he's a guy and is not Spanish. I think.

The six of us walked up to the office and got our different schedules. We were early so we had time to compare them and see how many classes we were in and if we were in the same ones. Cole and Zane stayed back to asked about the school clubs.

"I've got History with Kai!" Jay screamed, causing many stares from others around him.

"You're gonna grab too much attention Jay," Nya giggled as he nudged Jay in the shoulder.

"Speak of the devil," Kai said as he saw someone coming our way.

A boy — who I supposed was the school bully with his deranged attitude and popped collar — was practically stomping towards us. He was a giant compared to Jay and I.

"Looks like we've got some shrimps fresh outta the water," he laughed with his gang behind him, pointing at our group.

I was pretty small compared to him. I was the shortest, followed by Nya, then Jay, then Kai, then Cole, then Zane.

"Shut it, Brad," Jay retorted.

"Brad?" The bully laughed.

"I dunno, you look like a Brad," Jay shrugged, getting some of Brad's gang members to snicker.

"Zip it!" He shouted.

"Listen up shrimp," Brad said, grabbing Jay up by the collar, giving him on solid punch before continuing, "My name isn't Brad. If you ever dare speak up to me again, I swear that–"

"Let go of him!"

Everyone looked toward the source of the voice. By now a crowd had gathered ready to record all the drama.

Amongst the crowd, Cole pushed his way past and walked up to Brad. He pulled Jay off his grip and walked up to him. They were about the same height.

"Listen up and listen good," Cole said, grabbing Brad's collar, lifting him off the ground — which I thought was insane considering Brad looked to be really heavy — slowly, "if you dare mess with any of my friends again, you're gonna get it from me."

The sleeves to his hoodie were pulled up and he looked like he wanted to throw a punch but refrained from doing so. He dropped Brad and murmurs were heard throughout the hallway.

"Nobody's ever stood up to Blake."

"He's gonna get wrecked by Blake later."

"Who does he think he is?"

Brad — whose actual name is Blake but Brad fits him better — got off the ground and walked away with his crew while Cole helped Jay up from the ground.

"You okay?" He asked, concerned for his newfound friend.

"Other than a really bad bruise I think I'm fine," Jay sighed.

"We're gonna be late for our first class if we don't go now," Zane stated.

With that, the crowds slowly dispersed to their classes and our group made our way down the hall, splitting up to our different classrooms. I had History with Kai while Jay and Nya had English, Cole and Zane with Math.

I just hope the rest of the day goes by smoothly...

boom. first chapter is done.
don't forget to vote and comment, it'll keep me motivated. also, my sister found my book so -_-
i might change the cover too since i dont like the one i have now but *shrug*

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