Chapter 13.

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Ashley's POV

            I need to do something.!
But before I could do anything they both stopped suddenly and stood straight.

They looked intensely at something behind me.

Both of them looks so scared as if they have seen a ghost.

I shifted my gaze to look who is the one who made these Satan scared and was shocked to see a girl none other then Becca.


God is this girl having any super power??
I mean whole college fears her.
She always seems to rule over people.

She stood there glaring at both of them.

And none of us dared to say anything.

Then she started walking towards Tyler and paused in front of him. She stretched her hand to touch Ty's face.

I looked at Ashton and he was looking at both of them with wide eyes.

She touched the wound under his lips and pressed her finger.

"Ouch!!" Tyler groaned.

She ignored his groan and caressed it.

"Go to the nurse. Now!" She said and move towards Ashton.

Tyler didn't moved at all.

She looked at the wound on Ashton's head briefly.

"I SAID GO TO THE NURSE!!" she yelled her voice cold making all of us flinch.

"Yeah." Tyler nodded.

"And you. Follow me." She said pointing towards Ashton.

It looks like he is in great trouble!!

She started walking and Ashton winked at me and then started following her.

I turned to look at Tyler.

"Come on lets go to nurse." I said.

I grabbed his strong arm and dragged him towards the nurse.


"So how was your day?" Ellen asked me.

What should no tell her.....that today I saw two hottest boys of our city fight and stayed there blank.

Or should I tell her that oh God I missed my best friend today.

Actually both Ashton and Tyler didn't showed up today in our English literature class.

And you can say I kinda missed them but eh, it was okay as long as I didn't want them to get in a fight again.

"Fine" I simply said pulling up a smile.

I took a bite of the fries in front of me.

"Where is Tyler Gregory?" Kenzi asked.

"Even I dont know." I said.

I haven't seen him after I got him treated by the nurse.

"You know i went to NIGHTS last Saturday night. " Kenzi declared with her voice full of excitement.

"Seriously?! You baddy you didn't even told me." Ellen said her eyes wide open as she poked her.

"What is NIGHTS??" I asked.
I think I have heard this word before.

They both looked at me intensely as if I just said that I am pregnant.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know what NIGHTS is?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

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