Opus | Julie

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     I was a nobody.

     Just another face in a sea of bustling crowds through the streets of New York, hardly spotted among unfamiliar strangers in a busy morning. A wide expanse of a city with flashing lights, the sound of honking cars, and the undecipherable buzzing of the a crowd made me shrink into the background of a city that never sleeps.

     Further away and I was just another unidentifiable citizen of a country that only a handful of people knew of my existence. I could not be spotted through streaming rivers, mountain ranges that steeped down into common ground of the earth's soil that sprouted grass and trees. I was hidden beneath seasons of snow and frost, that chilled the streets and seeped into homes and traveled through veins and bones; of greenery and flowers, that could be seen in parks and bloomed through trees and filled the air with scents so sweet; of humidity and daylight, that glared through windows and glistened through seas that produced tropical breeze; of gust and fallen leaves, that filtered to the ground and scattered through sidewalks with the wind rustling across neighborhood blocks.

     I was insignificant as a small bug within the earth. My purpose was nonexistent and made no difference. I wouldn't be found through endless oceans, countless landscapes, tectonic plates of continents and countries, nor through the streets of Paris, within the casinos of Las Vegas, or across the road to Jamaica.

     I was a speck of dust within the galaxy, technically nonexistent and of no importance. A girl someone would not think to look twice at, speak to, or even bother his time with. I did not matter, not to anyone and certainly not to myself.

     But if I was indeed a nobody, how come the boy who held the universe in his eyes

     needed me,

     wanted me,

     and most of all, defied all odds and said that he

     loved me.

-Submitted by Julianne Bryson
Spring 2018
''The Universe in His Eyes."
Winner of Creative Writing Contest, featured in the school's paper

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