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Andromeda's P.O.V. :

I'm eventually lead out by one of joker's men to the car that I'll be taking. My heart quickening at the thought of finally getting to see my friend again. "Here's the keys.." joker's henchman says as he holds out the keys to a black car. Just as I take it out of his hand he grabs my arm quite firmly before adding. "Don't get any ideas. Stick to the plan or we'll have a.." I shoved him back harshly. "I suggest you to not threaten me. There's no need to remind me of what to do. So I'll give you this warning... No. One. Else. Will. Threaten. Me. Or They'll be eating their own balls." Seeing that he got the message loud and clear, I turned on my heel and got into the driver's seat and started the car. 'I'm coming Anastasia.. I just hope your okay like they say and your where I think you are.' I say in my head as my nerves set in. That or the alcohol is finally kicking in.
A short 15 minutes later I had made it to the outskirts of Gotham and pulled over at an abandoned gas station. Turning off the car and leaning back against with a sigh I turn my head to look at the woods through the passenger side window. Groaning I open the car door, pushing myself out. After locking the car I hide the cars and then make the long walk through the woods to the hide out.

"Man hasn't grown up alot since the last time I've been here." I mutter to myself looking around at the trees that I didn't remember being here. "Let's see it so should be around... Ah here." Yanking up the heavy door, I make my way down the ladder. Just as I firmly place my feet on the ground of the hide out and go to turn away from the ladder, I am shoved up against the wall with an elbow pressed up to my throat slightly cutting off my air. "Thank the heavens you're here. I see you haven't forgotten anything I've taught you dear Asia." I rasp out with a relieved smile, careful with my words so she don't suspect want I'm actually here for.

Anastasia's pov:
  I was sitting on the couch trying to figure out a plan on how I was gonna either survive here or get away, when I heard the door open and someone make there way down the ladder. I quickly and quietly get up and flatten myself against the wall so that I can attack the person easily while they are off guard. When I heard them step down onto the floor, I took my chance and I shoved them against the wall and held them with my elbow against their neck. When I heard a familiar voice "thank the heavens you're here. I see you haven't forgotten anything I've taught you dear Asia". I faltered slightly at the sound of the voice but kept my stance keeping the girl against the wall as I studied her. My face softens and I look at her and I whisper "Rome..?" The girl rolls her eyes like only my Rome can, before smiling. "Of course it's Rome.. who else would know where this place is? Now are you going to let me go or..?" She replies only to change her smile to a scary serious face as she asks her last question. I let my arms fall and I take a step back, looking at the girl in front of me who I hadn't seen for years. "How did you get here, what happened. Why did you just fall of the face of the earth!" Running her hands through her hands Rome walks past me clearly on the hunt for something. Following her to her room in the hide out she bends down and pulls up a loose board from the floor. Kneeling down next to her, Rome pulls out a pair of knives, a change of clothes, and... Really a small bottle of vodka? I scoff at the alcohol and shake my head "I see that you still haven't changed after all these years" I say as I walk back to the living room and sit down on the couch and nod at her "now if you wouldn't mind, I would like some explanations please".  Rome leans against her door frame and raises an eyebrow at me. "I see you've forgotten I don't like being reminded about things. Don't worry though I'll let it slide." She then walks over to where the med kits are stashed, grabbing one and then hunting down something to put it in. Once she finds her back pack she returns to sit next to me. While putting everything in to the bag, much to my surprise she hardly packs anything, Rome begins speaking again. "Long story short. After two years of working for the government I was framed and thrown in Gotham prison under heavy guard. For the next eight years the guy that framed me to save his ass tried to rape me and each time I whipped his butt I was taken away and tortured." The look on her face oddly calm until she looked up at me when she finished packing and I could see her eyes held so many emotions... I could tell she was barely holding on to her sanity. I look at my friend, slowly absorbing the information that I was just told "Rome I'm sorry. I had no idea, I was told that you just disappeared even though I knew better. I should have known, I should have done something" I said. Rome let's out a dry laugh as she stood back up and swung her bag over her shoulder and holding her hand out for me. "I am glad you didn't. I'd hate to know if something happened to you, once I got out. You know just as well as they do that the world would burn to ash if something did." She said with a sad smile. "Shall we have a night on the town.. everything seems so different since the last time I had my freedom to do anything I wanted." I bite my lip and think for a second, knowing it's not safe for me to venture out but also knowing I may not get another moment like this. I take a deep breath and take my friends hand. "Alright, let's catch you up on everything that has changed Rome. It's been too long" I say with a small smile and I turn and make my way up the ladder. Shoving the heavy door open and holding it for my friend to get out.

Andromeda's POV:

"God I truly hate this fucking walk. We're not far from where I parked though. It just up that hill there." I finally break the relaxing silence as we walk together back to the car. Mainly because I could tell my dearest friend was on edge. I don't blame her. Man I wish I wasn't the one doing this, she's going to hate me, but I'm going to hate myself even more. I heard Asia laugh and I glanced over at her "well it's definitely not as bad as the trek it took me to get here" she said as she kicked a rock in front of her. Stopping to turn and really look at her with worry. Although I know some of the story I asked, "Asia, what exactly happened for you to end up in the hide out. Don't tell me you were just visiting or checking it out, because I know it'll be a lie." I clenched my jaw preparing for the worst and crossing my arms expecting, hoping to find out what I know is a lie, so I had a reason to get her far away from 'him' as possible. She laughed dryly and she looked up at me "the joker wants me, for what reason I don't know." She said as she shook her head "he almost got me when I knocked out one of his men and stabbed the other and that's how I ended up here. Knowing he couldn't find me" she said Not able to hold back a giggle, I pay her shoulder. "Just as fiesty as ever, love. Proud of your quick thinking. Don't worry you won't be left alone anymore. I don't plan on leaving your side ever again.." I say the last part softer then I had wanted, as I turn around and trekt the rest of the way to the car. As I reach the top of the hill I begin to find the keys I had hidden. She followed me up the hill and stood to the side as I searched for the keys, she kicks at rock, "so anything that you would like to do Rome?" I heard her say.  I simply shrugged as an answer before I finally managed to grab the keys from the spot I hid the at. Unlocking the car and opening the passenger door for her, so she can hope in. Then I return to the driver's to hope back into the borrowed car and start it up.

We stopped by her house so I could change into a fitted white tank top paired with black ripped skinny jeans, and a leather jacket. I threw up my hair into a messy ponytail as usual before slipping on a pair of black boots Im borrowing from Asia until I can buy a pair of my own. Before I live the room I slide a knife in one boot and the other knife goes into my jacket pocket.

Soon we are back to driving around town. Much to Anastasia's relief, tho she is noticeably more relaxed after I've changed into my 'business outfit' as she calls it. "Glad to see you've finally relaxed. Anyway is there any place that you think is pretty cool but never fully got to enjoy it because you were there on business matters?" She laughed softly and looked out the window. "There is a club in town that I didn't get to enjoy because I was on a job and I'm sure it would be something you would enjoy" she said as she looked over at me with a small smile. I fake the perfect surprised face and then raise an eyebrow. "Well then. If that's the place you recommend because you think I'll like it... It most have quite the vibe and attention to detail. Now I'm curious." I shrug so she thinks I'm trying to play off the idea of dancing and just flat out enjoying my first night out of prison in a club. She nodded her head "than it's settled, that's where we will go for your first experience of freedom" she said as she looked back out the window

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