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Anastasia's pov:

I was sitting in the kitchen, eating my cereal and I thought about what just happened with a smile. Running my thumb over my lip,  I set my bowl on the sink and make my way back to the bedroom. Making sure I grab a change of clothes I make my way into the bathroom, setting my clothes down and turn around coming face to face with J in a bath towel and I blushed. "You could have knocked before entering you know" he said with a laugh and blushed darker than I already was "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were in here" I said as I took a step back "I can come back when you're done" I say as I spun around and put my hand on the door knob when he wrapped his hands around my waist and I sharply breathed in. "You can stay doll face, might as well get used to it" he breathed into my ear and I sighed before turning around "fine, but no looking" I said as I point my finger into his chest. He lets me go and I turn on the shower so the water will heat up and I brush my teeth and was my face while I wait, looking behind me to make sure he wasn't looking, I quickly undressed and stepped into the hot shower and smiled as the water ran down me. I closed my eyes and I start to wash my hair, humming to myself. I open my eyes to see the joker in front of me and I squeak, crossing my arms over me I glare at him "what happened to not looking!" He laughed as he looked me up and down and I blushed "I just couldn't help it babe, I just can't resist you" he said and I bit my lip "can you at least let me finish my shower in peace?" I said and he smirked "do you not want my help doll face?" He said and I blushed and bit my lip, turning my back to him I reached forward to grab the body wash so I could get out of this situation as fast as I could when he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Could you please let me finish my shower" as I grabbed the body wash. He pulled me against his chest and his head on my shoulder "come on baby, you know you like this" he said in my ear and shivered as my grip tightened on the body wash. Setting my body wash back down, I turned around and set my hands on his chest "either let me finish or I'll get out right now" I said as I looked at him. He chuckled and I looked up at him "not gonna happen doll face, I'm staying right here" I scowl and cross my arms "why are you so fucking difficult" I said and he gently set his hand on my hip and I slightly froze. He slowly started trailing his fingers up my side and I shiver at his touch. He leaned forward and chuckled into my ear "I don't know why you just won't admit that you like this" he said as he reached behind me to grab the body wash I had set down.  I watched him, curious to what he had planned and he gently started to wash me and I blushed and let my wet hair fall around my face in hopes that it would mask it. As he finished he brought his face to mine "you're all clean princess" he said in a raspy voice and I bit my lip as he turned off the water and I watched him reach out of the shower and grab a towel and he wrapped it around me and I looked up at him, my cheeks slightly rosy. "Thank you" I said very quietly, wrapping the towel around me and I step out of the shower and I head out to the room to change.

Jokers pov:

I watched her as she got out of the shower to change. Everything about her drive me insane and I needed her to give into me. I grabbed a towel for myself and wrapped it around my waist and walked into the bedroom, seeing Anastasia on the bed and I smile. "I have a proposition for you doll face" I said with a smile as I made my way to the bed and sat beside her "I want you to start coming with me to my interrogations, considering how well you handled that one for your boss" I said with a smirk and I watched her expression which seemed to be shocked one from what I had said. "Are you sure?" I heard her say and i smiled "of course I'm sure doll, you're amazing at interrogations. Me and you would make a good team" I said with a wide smile. She looked at me and smiled, "I've been missing doing interrogations, so I think I will take you up on that offer" I heard her say and I smiled and kissed her head.

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