Hey there! I'm uploading Chloe's chapter.
As I mentioned before, Chesspiece is no ordinary cat. Sure, he meows and purrs and sleeps all day just like any other cat. But this cat was different. He had been surviving on his own, so he was tough, which is exactly what I needed. He went on missions for me all the time, to go get what I needed. And technically, it was legal, because it was a cat stealing the stuff for me.
This time, it was a microchip, which had a bunch of different documents on it. Documents from Apple Technologies, to be exact.
Why would I need this, you ask? To sell it to a black market. I've heard you can make lots of money by doing that.
I looked at Chesspiece awhile. He could be the sweetest cat ever, but also the sneaky cat in the shadows, stealing people's belongings. And that's what I loved about him.
I looked outside. It was a dark night; you could barely even see the moon.
I decided it was time.
Chesspiece looked up at me and meowed. I smiled, reached down to pet him, and sent him off for his new mission.
Chesspiece had never done something so risky.
This was just the beginning.