Chapter 3: The New Me

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Yein's POV

I woke up. Went to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I brushed my teeth, I walked to my closet and opened it wide.

Since it's friday, I'm not gonna wear my uniform. It's our ordinary day.

I wore some pencil skirt, and a baggy t-shirt. I wore my knee length socks and a converse. I took my glasses and wore them.

Since I don't usually brush my hair, I will tie them into pigtails.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I feel like I'm not presentable enough for today.

But this is the usual clothing I wear. I look ugly.

I looked at my clock.

It's only 6:30AM and my class starts at 9:30.

I grabbed my phone. I opened google and searched trendy clothes.

I scrolled and scrolled.

All I see is crop top and skirts.

"Ahh! I'm gonna make one!" I said to myself.

"But I have to fix my hair first" I smiled. I went to the bathroom and shampooed my hair.

I put lots of conditioner and rubbed it thoroughly. I rinsed with water then went to my vanity.

I brushed my hair and took my blow drier. I started to dry my hair.

After I dried my hair, I took my curling wand and made loose waves.

I observed myself again. Something's missing.

"Ahh! My face!" I said as the idea popped out of my head.

I took some foundation and applied it in my face.

I took my brush and brow liner. I put it in my eyebrows then blend it.

I curled my eyelashes and aplied mascara on it.

I brushed my cheeks with pink flush and applied lip tint on my lips.

I looked at the mirror again.

I look beautiful!!

I stood up and went to my closet

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I stood up and went to my closet.

I found.... baggy shirts.

I pouted. Then another idea popped on my head again.

I pulled a yellow one and cutted it into a crop top. And BAM!! Crop top!!

I decided to wear skinny jeans instead of a skirt because I always wear skirts. I want to try something new.

But theres no skinny jeans. I only have baggy ones.

I smiled evily. Man! I'm full of ideas today!

I went to my Parent's room. Since dad slept outside last night, it means that there is no person in the room!

I scanned Mom's old closet. I found a black, ripped, skinny jeans.

I smiled and took the jeans.

After I wore my 'new' clothes, I looked at the clock.


I went downstairs and saw dad eating at the kitchen.

"Ohh uhmm Yein? Is that you?" My dad said with sparkly eyes.

"Yea." I said shortly.

I walked to him and have my breakfast.

"Yein" Dad called.

"Mmm?" I responded.

"I'm sorry, my daughter. Please forgive dad" He said sincerely and bowed slightly.

I looked at him at the eyes.

"I know. I hurted you. Please forgive daddy and we can start a new life" I can see sincerity in his eyes.

I held dad's hand and smiled.

"It's okay, dad" I said, accepting all the apologies.

. . .

I entered the school. Everyone's looking at me.

Their eyes made me feel uncomfortable.

Specially boys. They're looking at me as if their raping me in their minds.

Then a boy approached me.

"Hey pretty" He said with matching wink. I got disgusted and ignored him. I walked away.

Then I felt cold hands wrapped around my bear waist.

In shock, I turned around and slapped the boy earlier.

"Oh! Bad Girl huh? That's what I like" He smirked and licked his lips seductively.

I looked at him with furious eyes.

"Wipe that smirk off you jerk!" I said, gritting my teeth.

His smirk got wider. He carried me forcedly to the wall. No one's giving attention on us.

"Don't you dare touch me with your dirty hands" I said furiously.

He smirked again. Man! He's getting in my nerves.

Since I'm wearing crop top, He touched my bare waist.

I want to remove his hands from my waist but his other hand is holding my hands tightly.

He leaned to my neck and stared to kiss it. I hate being weak. Tears started to gather up in my eyes.

Then snap! I saw the jerk lying on the ground.

"Don't you dare touch my girl!" A familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw the most unexpectable person in the whole world.

"Jungkook?!" I said with wide eyes.


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