Chapter 19: Jungkook's Side

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Jungkook's POV

The party ended so I left the backstage to find Yein.

As I was walking I saw Tzuyu talking to Yein. I just let them talk. Then Jhope took my back as a piggy ride.

"Yah! Hoseok! Get down from there" I said as I tried to remove him away from me.

"DNA~" He sang loudly as he danced on my back. He is soo freaking heavy!

Finally I got him off me and looked at the direction where Tzuyu and Yein were talking. They were gone.

I have a bad feeling about this. Tzuyu walked near me with a wide smirk on her face.

"Hey Kookie" She said as she clinged to my arm so tightly. I tried to got her off me but she wouldn't let go.

"Where's Yein?" I asked calmly but I am burning in anger.

"Oh I don't know" She chuckled.

She is getting in my nerves now. So I pushed her away which made her fall to the ground. "TELL ME! WHERE THE HECK IS MY GIRLFRIEND?! I FREAKING SAW YOU WITH HER EARLIER!" I yelled to her face. I could punch her in the face right away if she didn't answer me immediately.

"I-in t-t-the back s-stage" She stuttered as she trembled in fear. I don't usually hurt girls but if Tzuyu is the one that I will hurt, I won't think twice to kill her.

I glared at her one more time and went straight to the backstage. I tried to open the door. But it's freaking locked.

I banged on the door. I can't think of anything but to break the door.

"Damn it!" I shouted.

"YEIN!" I called for her, hoping for a response. But I received none.

I called her numerous times but nothing is answering. I started to get nervous and worried and tears are threatening in my eyes.

In anger, I kicked the door with all my might and I saw Yein..... lying on the floor.

"Yein!!" I yelled and ran to her.

Tears fell down in my eyes when I saw her like that. I immediately gave her a CPR which I learned from my swimming lessons.

After somethime, she opened her eyes. It made me feel relieve. I hugged her as tight as I could.

Then she started crying. "Jungkook! I thought I'm gonna die in here" She said between her sobs. She buried her face in my shoulder and cried loudly.

I hugged her even tighter and said "It's okay now. I'm here" I said as I rubbed the back of her hair to comfort her.

"Damn! You are making me crazy, Yein! And I love you so damn much"


Hi guys! Just wanna plug! I created a new story called 'Hurted'. Please check it out, it is a Jungkook fanfic too. Hart hart<3


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