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Heya beautiful people, How you doin' ?

Okay so now about this award, As y'all know, we both can't judge all of these books alone. So we decided to give a chance to you to become a part in our judging.

But participants don't worry, it's not like we will give judges your book and then leave everything on them. No, it will not happen like this, but we will check every result they will give us.

You can be a judge as long as the genre you are judging is different to the genre you are participating in.

And let me clear one more thing, Head Judges for every genres are already selected, now we're just choosing 2 Judges for each General.


Here is the form

Username :

Participant in this award? If yes, then of which genre?

Genre, you like to read :

Genre, you don't like to read :

Have you ever judged before :

Tag someone you think will interest to be a judge here :

How many Genres you would like to judge? :


That's all

Any confusion ?? PM ItrustAllah or NinjasAleeza
because here we're getting so many notifications. So PM there if you want to know anything about this...

Thank ya

Zehra and Aleeza

THE FLORA AWARDS 2019 (JUDGING ROUND)Where stories live. Discover now