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It 's 12 am and I am alone on the terrace. Alone like literally alone … even the moon is not there … nor the stars … may be because of some celestial conspiracy, I am really alone tonight …

The black canvas of the heavens reflect the monster beneath, sitting on the terrace, all alone … A breeze which has run out of breath after running miles, comes and kisses my cheeks, my neck, the way she used too, well, ofcourse that was before she left me …

It is five hours since you left me and still it feels like five minutes before.… Your words are still raping my soul like an insatiable beast!
-" See, there is nothing anymore between us … "
- "No, I still … "
- " Oh, okay, okay, there is nothing anymore from my side, get it? "
- " But why? "
- " Because you are a monster! Your love simply devours me, it overwhelms me, it shows that I can never go that deep in love … "
- " What! I love you so deeply and that makes me a monster? "
- " Yeah, it does, it really does because you see I cannot love you that deep and unless love is mutual and equal, a relationship cannot be there! "
- " So, my fault is I loved you more? I loved you so much that your heart could not hold it? "
- " Yeah, you can sort of put it that way or anyway you like as it suits you … bye! "
And you left …

I looked at the radium dial on my wrist, it showed 12:45 am but it also showed me a lot more because it 's the one she gifted me on our last Valentine … And I had gifted her a complete set of the Harry Potter series …

As I lay flat on my back gazing up at the bountiless black screen above me, I felt one with it because it was playing the playback of the time we read our favorite Rowling together snuggled together in a couch …

" Reparo " the charm that repairs anything broken …
No, wait! It can only repair inanimate objects! Even the magical Rowling  could not write a spell that can repair feelings, emotions and relationships …

"Sensum Reparo " whispered my adamant heart to the starless night, in a faint hope that if ever love was there between us, the magic of it will repair us back …

© Satyaki Deb

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